Monday, January 22, 2007

when you are yelling on the inside "ok shut up now"

So the second date went well but at one point I was ready to say SHUT UP! I mean this guy and talk and talk! The movie was great and the coffee after was nice but lets see Rob is a PHD student and well dare I say it part nerd! thats not so bad hes great to talk to but I need to be able to talk too and not just sit there listening to him crap on about bullshit ..

OK all that said we will prolly go out again I mean everything else is going well and if he can relax a bit then maybe we will go places .. who knows I will give him alittle time and just wait see.

Apart from that I am back training not for anything inportant this time just doing some weight sesions in the gym with a PT and keeping up with the running and swiming I really dont want to get into anything but need to keep fit! I think I put on about 5 kg over christmas period .! ouch !!!

Now they are already selling hot cross buns at the supermarket just another reasion to stay away from the big corprate monsters .. normally I keep well clear of them trying to buy from farmers markets and small shops but sometimes you just have to go inthere for something and I was there last week I found hot cross buns and its still Jan!! Easter didnt make you fat cause its only one day of choclete but now its like 3 mths of hot cross buns and choc ... omgosh .. the fat jsut get fatter!!!!

Still sweating it out here waiting for some rain .. and fires still raging but no longer near me thank whoever !!!

Love and light


BBC said...

In my dream the other night when a dark haired woman was trying to get me interested in her I was just talking and talking, I do talk a lot.

She was so wise that she shut me up by sticking a boob in my mouth. Boy, we both really enjoyed that. LOL

Anyway, I'm not taking any more than I take now. A one a day vitamin, when I remember to. LOL

Hell, I can't wait to get senile about.........



Dan said...

Sarah, does he talk when he's eating too? :)

Sounds like you're enjoying yourself enough but there's no reason to NOT look elsewhere even when you're dating this guy, right?

Hope you are well! Hugs and smooches.

BBC said...

I love sweets.

Life is uncertain, eat dessert first.

I just don't eat enough to make me fat. I just make the sweet my meal.

Sarah said...

BBC my boobs are to small to shove in anyones mouth .. but nice thought.

Dan yes everything is just casual so I am not stuck with anyone at the moment ... IM FREE TO DO WHAT I WANT ANY OLD TIME

BBC a little bit of everything never hurt anyone

BBC said...

"I quit smoking all the time its not hard at all"

Yeah, I know what you mean.


Damn, it was nice here today, a light sprinkle of rain for a bit, but not much, a fair amount of sun, I got a lot done outside. This is beautiful country.

Small boob's hey? But are they friendly?
