Thursday, November 30, 2006

Freedom of speech ????????

Freedom of speech is enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is granted formal recognition by the laws of most nations.

In the United States freedom of expression is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution

It is under this headline that post about Barrys blog being taken down! I am probbaly talking out of turn but I just dont believe the bullshit that is going on with the guys the USA has sent to iraq or in Barrys case the contract company that looks after the police training ..

Now this is most likley none of my bussisness but it seems weird that a country that claims to be free is in actualy fact anything BUT !! now I liked barrys blog he was always carful to write about himself and not anything that was not in the news already he didnt give out anything that would be even slightly be seen as privete infomation more offten or not it was on himself and hes thoughts and had nothing to do with the iraq sutiation ..

How can bullshit like this keep going on before people wake up !!!! it seems almost everyone who had a blog in iraq has been forced to remove it .. What next the mail has pass through some goverment office .. phone calls are monitored .. what the hell is going on .. How on earth can you preach to be a free country .. or bring freedom to Iraq ?????


Barry said...

obviously - not much I can say - thanks for noticing ;)

Dave said...

Yeah, it seemed a bit sudden and unexpected.

Barry's blog was always very careful and measured, I thought.

Ah well, paranoia wins over reason yet again.

andy said...

wait a min? was it google who took down barrys blog? or Barry? whats the story here this is crazy....

Sarah said...

You Can say whatever you like here barry lol ....

Glad your not mad at me for posting about you... And Like I said email me your blog posts and I will post them for you .. Let them try to stop me posting !!!

Dave agree barry should have done a last post post ...

Andy Barry took down Barrys blog because the people he works for told him to

Dan said...

Sarah, is that why Barry took his blog down? I thought that he just got tired or something.

Wow, if he was forced to, Sweetie, I agree that this is pretty outrageous.

Heartichoke said...

I'll post Barry's blogs! That will be much better, since I'm here in "we heart war" land...

Barry said...

Well - when I was 'suggested' to take it down...I just took it down - didn't want to give anyone a reason to get at me.

Dan - I wasn't tired at all - as a matter of fact I am kinda having blog withdrawls.

Sarah and heartichoke - thanks for the offer, but for now, I will just lay off the whole blogger thing.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Barry--Bring it back!