Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sarah Vs The Morons

OK Let me start by saying a great big G'Day from NZ! I love this place its soooooo great the snow is to die for i am bording in knee deep powder and having a blast!!! Yesterday I went helli boarding for the first time .. omgosh!!!! how totaly insane carving up a virgin mountain with nothing to stop me killing myself in the mean time ... its a once in a lifetime must do ... put it on your list ..... anway back to the title....

Was walking the short few blocks between where i am staying to the train station that takes you up to the mountain carrying my gear and board when who should i see but a couple of mormans doing what they do .. I could not be bothered crossing the road so i walked right into there trap (LOL) .. hears how the events took place ...

M1) "HI nice day isnt it we are talking to people about Jesus,"
S) "HI I going boarding" (head down keeps walking)
M2) "Do you have a minute to talk to us ?"
S) (thinking i can not help myself) "I know you guys ... your morons right ?"
M1) "We are from the church of Latter Day Saints .... Yes MORMONS"
S) "Yer people call me that all the time "
M2) "call you what?"
S) " A MORON!"
M1) laughing .. " no mormon its just our church have you heard of the LDS church?"
S) "yer I took LSD at church once it was so trippy but im not into drugs really guys thanks anyway"
M2) "LDS is latter day saints "
S) "oh whatever anyway really i am off to snow board i have to walk all the way up there!"
M1) "we can talk to you while you walk "
S) "you can carry my board if your walking my way"
M1) looking confused "um ok "
S) smurking to herself "so you are the guys that added the book of morons to the bible?"
M2) "thats mormon and not really but yes we have it"
S) " thats what i said moron".... MORON.... anyway what dose Revelation 22:18-20 have to say about the book of morons
M1) struggling with my board " we can look it up in context if you give us time"
S) "Just look it up when I'm gone".... "My train is here and i must go " anyway wasnt Joseph Smith like proved to be a false prophet"
M2) "No "
S) "are you sure anyway Im off thanks for carrying my board"

They look at each other as if to say what the hell just happaned as I grab by board and jump on the train once out of sight i start to giggle and in fact can not stop my evil little laugh all day ... so thank you to the morons and the church of LSD you made my day ...

and sorry .. well kinda .. not really ... but watch out for round two .. your too much fun ..

So I will try to blog i feel compeled to just get some stuff out of my head and i dont know why but bloging seems like a way to do it ... its kinda personal and full of stuff i wouldnt tell my best friend so why would I want to put that on the net ??? I dont know maybe as they say i am not quite the full picnic ... who says that anyway ... so if i get the chance and the nerve up i will post it sometime soon
till then
all my love


Barry said...

OMG!!! This is soooo good! you definitely made my day today Sarah!!

Meg said...

Love it, love it, love it! All about sticking it to the Morons, oops, I mean Mormons (or was I right the first time?!)

Sarah said...

I am still laughing about it ... I am trying to tell myself that I shouldnt have done it .. but I dont know I think they do more harm than good as do alot of people like the JWs and so forth I guess they have good intentions and think they are doing a good thing .....

andy said...

did you hear about the morons who got invited into some students house and got feed milk and "cookies" well lets just say the more cookies they ate the hungryer they got ... and the were prone to the giggles....

Sarah said...

Yes I did was that a few years back ..... mmmm hash cookies.... ha ha .. I think they have a rule about that now