Sunday, July 16, 2006

Its only a dream its only a dream !!!!!!!!

ok its 3 am and I just woke up from a dream I have to write about it cause it was just nasty and i got all worked up when i just woke up .... It was so real and all......

So I was in my little car at the lights and when they went green i drove off in the wrong lane and had to speed up to shift lanes infrount of the car next to me ... i did it quite fast but not to fast I was heading down the street when an un marked cop car (jeep) actually turned on its lights right behind me another cop car on the other side of the road came towards me did a U turn and followed me .. i pullled over as soon as i could and then three more cars came out of no where .... I got out of my car and the officers all female (didnt mind that bit) except the one old offcer in charge anyway he is like well you did your licence there .. I am like what the fuck ... he is like 120 in a 60 zone and its double demerit points for school holidays .... I am like no way I was doing like 80 max .. the other officers are going over my car and i light a smoke .... they are like serching it and all of a sudden its like my old car i had as a kid .... with rust in it and a crack window and stuff .....

I am like i need my car for my job (knowing i dont work but didnt say that) I am almost crying ... the guy is like well my job is to keep people like you off the roads ... I am like you can not be serious my car wouldnt do 120 off the lights like you say ... i will have to fight this in court .... He is like whatever but we are taking you car .... and i look over and a tow truck is draging my car up onto the tray ... and stuff is leaking from my car and smoke from the motor ... and i light another smoke and say .... Your so fucked ... and they all laugh and start getting into there cars leaving me all alone by the road with no car and no phone .......

then I wake up and i am so tence and worryed and in need of a smoke ... but i gave up smoking like 2 weeks ago .... maybe weird dreams come with giving up smoking ......

last time i gave up i was on those patches and they are bad news .... I woke up thinking i had asked some hot guy out i was so excited i jumped out of bed into the shower got dressed I grabed my keys before i started to realise that i did not know where I going or how i was getting there then i relised it was all a dream .... I think i went out anyway .. but man i was pissed of at myself ...

anyway I hate dreams i never really have them .... so its odd when i do
so anyway i am going back to bed hopefully to sleep deeply with no iteruptions ... just the sound of rain .... and thunder .... yea

night everyone
mwa mwa mwa !


Barry said...

How can you go out with a hot guy? I am thousands of miles away!!! JK ... I nearly never dream too.

Sweet dreams this time

Sarah said...

Hey I went back to sleep and didnt wake up till 3 pm .. thats a nice sleep in lol