Thursday, July 20, 2006

10 things you didnt know about Barry and most likely didnt want to know

10 Things about Barry

1) He is turning 50 this year (that makes him so old)

2)He once ate a fried rattle snake (ewww... had to lol that they fry them in the usa like everything else)

3)He claims to have never smoked pot (Urine testing will tell the truth)

4)He has skinny dipped and will do it again (my eyes my eyes are burning)

5)He once worked as an industrial painter

6)likes red wine over white

7)He has never hit a girl (maybe you havnt met the right one yet)

8)He claims to be a basic christian (better than a simple minded christian i guess lol)

9)When he was a kid he wanted to be a space man (see you should have smoked pot you would have got high giggles)

10)He has a big scar on hes belly

So there you go some totaly usless facts about a nice guy .... Hes blog is at

hurry up with the mails people !!!!!! i dont have all day ha ha ha ha

love light blessings and peace to you all
hugz hugz

1 comment:

Barry said...

I think I do scare people off - no one even comments on me:P