Tuesday, December 13, 2005


It started out as a show of solidarity against gang violence on one of the country's most famous beaches but the drunken rampage at Cronulla yesterday has shocked the nation. Police and ambulance officers were pelted with bottles as they tried to protect beachgoers of Lebanese or Middle Eastern appearance from the fury of the mob. Within hours, the violence at Cronulla sparked apparent reprisals at other Sydney beaches. In all, 16 people have been arrested, while more than 20 were injured


So How did it all start ... you have to know this beach i have been there alot its not bad surfing there somedays and while not my old home beach its not far first let me say that i dont like the violence but it has been coming for a long time cause the Lebs (lebinise) have been total arseholes at this beach now most beaches have a group that claim to own it and most times they are great people at Coronulla there have been some Middle Easten groups that target aussie girls and give them a hard time because they dont wear much clothes they call them sluts and whores because they dont dress like musulm girls do (because they are not musulm and australian) anyway i have seen this first hand and have protected other surf girls from this crap Its australia we are not a muslum country and you are free to wear as little as you want on a beach ....... anyway all this got out of hand when two aussie lifesavers ( the dudes that give there time freely to save people drowning in the surf) got bashed by one of these groups .. then the red neck aussies got together to bash the middle easten gangs and it got sooooo out of hand ...
now there is kinda like a war on in some suburbs and most people are shit scared .......
Whats the answer ? when will it stop ? how can it work ? these are all questions that people are trying to answer ? what are your thoughts ???

Personaly i think we have had this comming but i dont like it and dont know the answer .. with a goverment that is attacking countrys for no reasion ie afgainstain and iraq why do you think the lower classes of australia would react diferently ? you create a war mr howard !!! and where are you now ???? overseas again ? where is your leadership? this is your right wing christianity at work? ........ this is where it ends ? take responsibility now for what you have done !!!!

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