Saturday, July 01, 2006

ewwww! so sick

I feel like the walking dead at the moment in fact i kinda look like the dead too.... dont know how i got sick dont know why I am but hey Im just going to get better or die I guess ... is that too soap opra of me


apart From planing my wake and all not much going on just been in bed watching movies and drinking water ... feeling sorry for myself ... the biggest event of the week was getting someone around to clean the place up cause i am messy and not feeling like moving too much ....

wow what a wasted blog entry .. oh well
peace to you all
(i would hugz ya but i dont want to give you my germs)


Dave said...

How will we know if you're really dead or just not posting for ages? You'll need to give someone Power of Blogger Attorney to take over the site if you're incapacitated.

Ah, get well soon.

Barry said...

Yeah, what Dave said - I will send ya some chickenless soup :P

Sarah said...

If I am going to die I will blog about it (gigles)