Saturday, December 03, 2005

food i hate it

why is it that i eat so dam much when i bleed i mean dam in the last 24 hours i have eatten 1tub of icecream 2 loafs of bread 1 tub of vegan butter 2 pizzas and a packet of muffins .... im such a pig !!!!!
Eatting makes me feel bad cause i train so hard all week and hate to stuff it all up feeding my face on the weekend ... sio tomorrow is a new day and i will be back trainning i normally take a few days off when im bleeding but not this time fuck it i mean i have had 2 days off already one planed and one extra and tonight i feel like a fat pig !! oink oink!

stuff food i feel like getting so skinny that i dont bleed ... maybe thats a plan !


andy said...

hmmm an interesting new development Sarah shares her blog...

next thing she will come have a Big Mac with me ;)

Sarah said...

I have never and will never enter a Maccas restrant ... but maybe we can share a chai tea ?

andy said...

cool well when i am in sydney u can come have sum chai with me an em... i can make it a chai latte with my super capachino machine ;)