Friday, July 28, 2006

Stupid big shit ! Its the new quest

A all new quest for you... Every country has them and Australia seems to have more than its fair share of Its the stuff that people build cause there is no other reason to go anywhere near there town ... So they build something like the big sheep or the the big Pineapple and alike...... Here is a big seat I found in broken hill ... Why I don't know ... I was even going to do a road trip of stupid big shit once but I guess I woke up to myself before I did that .. Thank G-d....

So between now and the end of the year I am going to offer a prize to the person who can post on there blog (make sure you tell me) or email me at a photo of themselves at something big and stupid .... Points are awarded for

1)how big
2)how stupid
3)if you have a "nudie vegan" sign
4) mega bonus points if all you are wearing is a "nudie vegan" sign

Now if you know me well enough then you know that a prize is worth playing for I will not waste your time people .... The last prize I handed out was concert tickets to Robbie Williams !!!!!!

So get cracking

I should have the video up and running soon in the mean time I found an old church promo here on the lap top and thought it would be funny to put it up especially for my accent challenged friends ... I cut the end off it cause I havnt been there in years and I dont live anywhere near there now and they hate me ... lol

Also I have a vid blog entry i have been working on and i am just looking at where to put it so only you guys see it .... i wanted to embed it but i think i will have a link to a download thing so that might be as good as it gets ...Other option is you tube but making it privete and sending out an email to you ... but i dont like that either .... dont expect too much its just stuff from around here cause it so so so so so so so great ....

those of you with sharp eyesight may even see my .0001 milli sec apearence ...


Heartichoke said...

I don't think I can believe it (aussie accents) until I see it coming out of someone's mouth! Hey, you know you can do verbal posts at!

Heartichoke said...

ps--my submission is in your inbox!

Dave said...

Ms H. Choke - I checked it out last time you mentioned it but it requires calling a US phone number. We could probably use it but is it worth the international call?

Dave said...

I'd just like to add that "You have never seen a church like this before" is probably not accurate. Maybe "You have seen several churches like this before" would be better.

Heartichoke said...

You don't want to spend like 80$ to record yourself talking funny for like 3 minutes??

I think you guys should all get together for one of those cute blogger parties and record the whole thing for me--and split the 500$ charge.

Besides, the world revolves around the U.S...right?

Heartichoke said...

"Making Life Better" ?

Dave said...

We could probably have one of those internet phone teleconferences or something. If I knew anything about how they work.

Barry said...

No kidding at the .001 seconds !

uh, 2 things- you can post a short message on a yahoo profile, als you can do a yahoo voice chat, in a conference.

Barry said...

Oh, and that pineapple is so Spongebob!!

Sarah said...

better Idea we could all put in and bring Heartichoke and barry to australia ... then we could lol at them .... giggles The audio post dosnt work from australia I think you have to call for a usa phone not just call the usa ...

I told ya it was 0000.1 milli sec and i can not sing anyway .. they use to turn my mic down ...

agree with ya dave you have seen about 1000 churches like this one

making life better was the moto they were using for quite awile ...

My experance was good at first but messy in the end for many reasions that i will go into another time .. In some kinda forgive me father for i have sined post that i will cough up one day over a bottle or two of red ..

luv ya all ...

OH Danelle is so winning the stupid big things ..... by a long shot .... giggles can i post the pic ???? better ask ya ... thanks sooooo much

Barry said...

I had a limited "big thing' I could get by, but it is BIG. I Im'd you the link, you can post if U like - and uh no I am not Nekkid:P