Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Long Time Between Blogs

I know I know a long time between posts I will try to do better!!!

So lets call this the OUTBURST!!! You see I have been to church a total of three times this year all in a row too.. I am trying to put my issues aside and just look at the whole big picture and see what I can get out of it... That was going fine until Sunday night ....

See the preacher had finished he's little sermon about praying and fasting blah blah ... And had just handed over to the senior pastor who then said " you know what I think we should pray for those trapped miners in Tassie (good idea) he then said before we prayed " you know what I keep seeing that union guy on tv and I can not help but think that maybe the union is keeping things slow as they do in getting them out" followed by " you know I prolly shouldn't say that" to which little Sarah said very loudly so that at least the four rows in front of her THAT'S RIGHT YOU SHOULDN'T SAY THAT!!!" .... A few people turned around and a couple even giggled another girl I hardly knew said "go get em Sarah" this got the pastors attention so I yelled at the top of my voice "UP THE AWU!!!!!" (awu is Australian workers union) loud enough for the whole church to hear ... The senior pastor then turned to the people and said complaints will be heard by this guy (pointing to a junior pastor) ..... And there I left once again feeling the right wing views spoken from the pulpit in the house of G-d a totally in wrong !!!!

So there is Do I go back ? Do I find another church (there are heaps around) ?? Do I shut up ? or do i continue to talk (yell) my mind ???

Take care peeps i do have a bit more time coming up so i should blog heaps more in the next little week....

Peace Love and Light
Sarah xxoo


Anonymous said...

I am not sure what to tell you. I have been places and in situations where I had to speak out against a pastor. It wasn't fun at all, I have no good feelings about it. I don't even remember the specifics - I guess in a way it didn't matter, but I left the church, because I just didn't want to stay in a 'fight'. Maybe I was chicken to do it that way, maybe I just didn't feel church was the place to 'fight.' I really don't remember what all I felt or thought back then , other than I seemed to dislike having to be in that situation.

I know real helpful huh Sarah

big bear hugzzzz

andy said...

it is never good when politics are put into the pulpit... but then im sure i have used much left wing retoric too... but the question is ...

Am i being selfish in wanting people to think the way i do?
Is the "institution" bent one way so that diversity is not Tolerated.,..

if it is the first.. Stay if it is the later ... go

or just do whatever you like like usual :P

andy said...
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Sarah said...

On looking back its hard to say if it was just a poor joke that i took ofence to or if it was motivated by politics....

I guess I just took ofence to something yet again .... my way of thinking is that all politics should have no place in church perhaps i am just a dreamer to think that church and state should be seperate

andy said...

true but just like we shouldnt serperate our faith from the other parts of our life... some times its hard to seperate out politics from our faith as well....