Friday, March 03, 2006

I am just no good at relationships ...

OK so i am no good at relationships i mean not that there is anything wrong with this one yet its just that i kinda stress in relationships i guess its just been a long long time and i dont know how they work to well ......

I can see that we both need space but i also need reasurance i mean am i needy i dont know but i need to know that we are both heading in the same direction and that "we are workin" ...... this weekend we are spending time apart i am going camping for a night by myself and J is going on a girls night out tonight and having a workin bee at the farm with her friends on saturday ..... I thought we would at least catch up today but she is busy orginising stuff for Saturday so i guess to busy for me ..... now i know that she is not all that busy and i know that her Ex is giving her a hard time but she dosnt want to talk to me about it cause she thinks that i will run away if i hear to much crap about her EX but i want to hear it and i dont mind hearing it but how do i say that to her ......

I so need to just relax and give her the space she needs to take care of her buisness but its hard for me cause i just want to be there .... I just dont know sometimes if its worth the effort i mean gee perhaps i should just run away and leave her to her shit but as you know thats not going to happan cause i am kinda fallan for her so bad .......

Its just dumb but what can i do ... I will sit tight and be the nicest i can be and just sit it out for a week or two before making any desisions and just cross my fingers and hope .... lets just see what happans .. i know if we can word through this stuff and trust issues we can work through anything ...

I will just sit tight for the next week and hope we can get back to normal .....

Take care friends
Sarah xoxoxo
big hugs
and a special hugz to the bear who lost his father recently .... take care my friend ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the special hug, and realy nice pic here.