Sunday, March 05, 2006

dating games

A good friend just reminded me that dating is a game .... its all about testing and teasing and exploring ..... I so forgot about it ... I know it sounds harsh and I have always been the one to say "look I just dont play games !" but that in itself is part of the game its the things we do in the first few weeks like seeing what happans when we forget to call or showing someone that we have a life outside of them its not nessary a mean thing its just part of all that dating is ... so anyway i have been thinkin that i am being played a little and i totaly didnt realise so as harsh as this sounds i will not jump through the hoops this week i will be alittle bussyer in my own life and i will not jump to return phone calls ..... call me a bitch but its just part of what happans when dating ... its only temp. just this first week thing just to see what is going to happan ... but i think i need to either push it to work or forget about it .... other wise i will just be pushed and pulled around tooo much ......
see ya soon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok so who pushes and who pulls:P I think all will be fine, sometimes we fret over the silliest things, I know someone who does that a lot... I think you know who I mean