Oks Well after i mentioned the seven deadly sins a while back i have been thinking can i perform all seven deadly sins in one day (24 hours) got me thinkin .. can it be done ?? do you dare me??? As you know i can not go to hell so i am not worried about that and well the seven deadly sins are not even biblical they come from Pope Gregory the Great who made the original list way back in the day and then they even changed them as only the all mighty Church can do i guess cause they made the list up they can change it so anyway the original sin of Tristia or sadness to Sloth i guess with all the depression going around making a sin of sadness might have seemed alittle harsh ... so anyway the seven deadly sins are
2. Envy
3. Anger
4. Greed
6. Gluttony
7. Lust
With out getting into it they are bascily called deadly cause the Catholic church claims that there are degrees of sin (which any first week bible student can tell you there isnt) anyway they say there are two types sins which were venial and could be forgiven without the need for the sacrament of Confession and those which were capital and merited damnation. Capital or Deadly Sins were so called because they could have a fatal effect on an individual’s spiritual health
So anyway they came up with seven which apart from the number (3) seven is the number of greatest religious significance in ancient Judaism and anyway they became famous more from the paintings than from anything else ....
So do you think i can do all seven in a 24 hour time frame..???? dare me !!! nah double dare me lol ..... Im taking a poll those in fave and those against ..... comments please ....
If you set out as a goal to do the seven deadly sins, then put forth the effort to do them, doesn't that mean you really can't do sloth?
I guess you sorta could, but it would have to be last, preferably just after great sex and stuffing yourself!, Well the more I think about it, not so hard, except the envy part. But think of this scenario: You see a friend that is so at peace with themself that you get jealous (envy) so jealous you are mad (anger) and get in an argument. You were so angry, and so passionate, that right after he argument you had make up sex (lust) , but you were so selfish , you just kept haing sex, not even caring if your partner wanted more (greed and of course more lust), so after the selfish sex, you stuff your face and pass out and sleep the rest of the day (sloth) thinking how proud you are that accomplished this...(pride)
See, not so hard :P
ok, I didn't insert gluttony after stuff your face, but you get my drift
Doh!!! i was thinkin something similar when i wrote the blog i guess i am not the only smart one around ...... The whole point was to show that everyone commits these seven in some way prolly most days anyway ..... Smarty pants
agreed sarah the point of knowing what "sin" is is to realise that we in fact dont match up to Gods standards.... it is only through Jesus and his death on the cross that we can be right with God... not becouse we are good but becouse HE is good.....
just watch the Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe ;)
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