Monday, January 16, 2006

Save the whales !!!! join the protests for your kids future

The Australin goverment still dose nothing about the Japs killing our whales in our water ... What a pack of fuckwits we have in goverment Im glad John Howard was not in power when those fuckers bombed Dawin!!!!!

Join the protests in your captial city against killing whales by the Japs

CANBERRA -- Japan's fisheries agency may ask for Japanese police to be sent to protect the country's whaling fleet in the Southern Ocean, following two separate collisions this week between whalers and protest ships, a senior agency official said Tuesday.
Conservation groups Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd have been chasing Japan's whaling fleet in Antarctic waters for two weeks, frustrating their hunt for the 850 minke whales and 10 fin whales that Japan says it wants to kill as part of a scientific research program.
Hideki Moronuki, the deputy chief of the Far Seas Fisheries division of Japan's Fisheries Agency, was quoted as saying by Australian Associated Press that it may ask the country's Maritime Police Agency to support its whaling operations if the conservationists escalate their interference.
AAP reported that when asked what Japanese police could do if deployed to the Southern Ocean, Moronuki, speaking from Japan, replied: "I have no idea. They may dispatch aircraft and they may ask the Australian government to take some action."
The two separate collisions on Sunday occurred in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary established by the International Whaling Commission in 1994. Japan does not recognize the sanctuary.
Conservationists have urged the Australian and New Zealand governments -- both strong opponents of whaling -- to send navy ships to stop Japanese ships from killing whales.
Australian Defense Minister Robert Hill said Tuesday there were no plans to deploy ships.
"It's a civilian issue," Hill said. "We don't see an Australian military role."
Japan and Greenpeace are at odds about who was to blame for Sunday's collision between the whaler Nisshin Maru and Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise. The Greenpeace ship was dented at the bow, but no injuries were reported.
Sea Shepherd said it deliberately struck the supply vessel Oriental Bluebird with its ship Farley Mowat later Sunday. Neither ship was badly damaged and no injuries were reported.
"We sideswiped them to get our point across," Paul Watson, the Farley Mowat's captain, told Seven Network television Tuesday by satellite phone from the Southern Ocean.
The Australian government has condemned Sea Shepherd for using extreme tactics. (AP)


Anonymous said...

I think you are right about the moody, seein how this post is right after the 'calm' one. I don't have much to say about aussie politics, and I duno what a fuck wit is...but I can say smile!

Anonymous said...

according to :

fuck-wit - stupid person

Sarah said...

i would say passionate rather than moody!!! I have touched a whale and was the single most emotional experince of my life!!
How anyone could or would ever want to kill such a peacefull and endangered animal is beyond me.. do you not want your grandkids to see a whale other than in books and on movies!!! The australian goverment should protect its waters and animals with extreame force not sit on there hands because it might effect a trade partner!!!! all the cash in the world can not bring back an animal from extinction !!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, now I're right, passinate is more appropriate after reading the post. I guess I just noted a lot of anger there, not that anyhing is wrong with that either. I think Japan may need you more than vice versa, maybe I am wrong. And I was thinking...oh, to be a whale;)