Friday, January 27, 2006

As good as it gets ??

Hey ... what can i say its 3 am on a friday and i just woke up still so hot i dont know how people sleep when its like this ? but then again who am i to say what normal people do .... normal people are not up at this time of the morning so i guess i am not normal (well we knew that already) I guess that is what this crapy post is about.... why am i not more normal if there is such a thing i mean i never did fit the mold that everyone else did i guess for the most part i have spent my life outside the so called normal ... for the most part i dont have a problem with it ...... I ve always just had my rules and belifs to guide me .... always been the slightly weird chic that didnt quite fit with the normal groups ... always been kinda a loner but always been kinda popular too in a weird way i guess .... Am i spose to fit the mold that other people set for me ? am i spose to feel like other people feel and do what other people do ? if i did would i not feel lonly sometimes? if i did would i be in the arms of someone now ? What would happan if i was more like the rest ? would that mean that i was un true to myself? .... most likley i think it would mean a lie from me i guess i just have to wait out this lonley times .... they can not go on forever can they ? perhaps they can as my worst fears tell me and i am staring at spending the rest of my life alone walking the planet with no one to share my light with ..... just maybe its true ..... What if this is as good as it gets ???????<<<<<

Love and Kisses

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What if? What your looking for is right under your nose? ...or someone knocks some sense into ya? or What if you finally meet 'the one'?

Lots of what if's... Sounds like you need someone to get your attention young lady...