Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Missy asks "need another reason to go vegitarian?"

Australian Chart-Topper Poses With Pig and Urges Fans to Go Vegetarian for Animals, Health and the Environment

Sydney – Missy Higgins has taken the music world by storm, and now she is charging up the animal protection charts, appearing in a series of ads for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia-Pacific which debut today.

Says Missy, “I am hoping the reaction that my fans have to these ads will be an intense one. I guess I’m hoping that it will make them think about what they’re eating and what they’re doing. I’m hoping that if they haven’t thought about this issue before, then it will make them think, and maybe it’ll evoke something inside them to do something about it”.

The ads feature Missy holding a rescued piglet named Jake and ask, “Need another reason to go vegetarian?” Each of the three ads in the series addresses a different aspect of vegetarianism. Regarding animal suffering, one tagline reads: “Never feeling the sun on their backs or the grass beneath their feet, unable to spread a wing or stretch a leg … animals suffer on factory farms.” Highlighting the health risks of eating meat, one tagline says: “E. coli, campylobacter, salmonella, listeria … eating meat can seriously damage your health.” Finally, for those who care about the environment, another says: “Animal agriculture is one of the largest industrial users and polluters of water … there’s no such thing as a meat-eating environmentalist.”

An ethical vegetarian, Missy lists among her favourite foods veggie curry, tofu and lentils. Explaining why she went vegetarian, Missy says, “I first became really against cruelty to animals when I was in primary school … I remember there was this one teacher when I was in grade three or four who just taught us all about respecting animals, and I really connected with it”.

Animals raised for food suffer enormously. Most pigs are raised in factory farms, where they are denied everything that is natural and important to them and where they are forced to live in horribly cramped conditions. Mother pigs spend their entire lives in sow stalls, metal or concrete enclosures so small they do not even have enough room to turn around. Sow stalls have been banned in the UK, parts of the US and Sweden – it is hoped that Australia will follow suit. Piglets have their tails cut off and their teeth cut or ground-down, and the males are castrated – all without any painkillers. At slaughter, they are punched and kicked down the slaughter line, hung up by their hind legs and have their throats slit, often while they are still conscious.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Gone racing

Just a little post to tell everyone i have gone racing for the next few days or so ... am down on the south Vic coast pushing myself and my team to new limits .... if you dont know what adventure racing is its days and days of navagation racing on foot,bike,boat can be climbing swiming and anything you can think of ..... some pics to give you the idea

Anyway back soon tell you all about it then should be back online wednesday or there abouts ....
Take care friends

Saturday, January 28, 2006

SMS takes a new turn ....

Ok strange things happanin on my phone
Yesterday i got a message on my phone from a service saying "free message !! you have a secrect admirer txt CHAT to reply to the person direct costs $5 a message . "dial help ######## .
So i dialed help and asked what the fuck this was about ... they said that it was a service for people that wanted to send anonmous txt messages to someone they like but for whatever reasion they wanted to stay anounmous .. he said like i dont know your suituation but it could be someone you know and they are shy or something .. its up to you if you want to reply but most likley it is not a prank cause it costs the person $5 to send you a message so its kinda expencive ......
i thought about it and though what the hell ok ill do it
here is the messages ( i hope i didnt get pranked)
them: "hi baby try and guess who this is ? Its a secret... he he he
me: " who is this ? how do i know you ? from where?
them: " we have one mutuial friend....X"
me : "who is that ? have we met this week?"
them:" nope?"
me: this is costing $$$ just txt me normal I wont call but i wont spend $$$$ either"
me:" all done then"
them " what are you doing on the 30th of this mth?
me: " i have some time but use normal txt ok "
me: did i see you today?
them :" I am about your age i am hot and have some body art "
me: just tell me who it is i am not going to keep playing!"
them :" that would spoil my fun ! another clue?"
me : ok another clue "
me: " if you are half serious you will just normal txt cause i am not playing after this "

then nothing ....... no more txts no nothing ....... weird hey ?
Now i do like little games and i think this is kinda difrent but i dont know if its just some freak or some prank from some knob....... so will have to wait see !!!?????

any ideas ..... oh and if its you .... txt me back please .....

Friday, January 27, 2006

He could have said NO

Can I change your life in 24 hours ??? Thats What i asked him. Can I Take you for 24 hours and change your life ? I thought for sure he would say NO .. I was sure he would say NO I mean he was married he had comitments. He had flirtied with me from the moment we met... We had joked about how difrent our lifes were.. How free i was to do anything... So after a few weeks i Said ... Give me 24 hours and I will change your life .... I thought he would say NO i mean he was married he had comitments he was a christian..... I thought he would say NO ... I knew he would say NO .... Then we could finsh our little flirting game ... I would feel like I had done all i had to (by asking) he would say NO and it would end .... I thought he would say NO .... BUT He didn't .....He said he would call me latter .... and i Joked with him as if .... Just say NO i said .... I thought he would BUT he didnt ....He would never call me i thought He would just say NO and it would be over this little flirting game .... BUT he didnt ... He said he would call me latter ..... I thought he wouldnt .... BUT he did ...... Friday week he said ... 10am for 24 hours he said ..... change my life he said .... I thought he would just say NO but he didnt .... I mean he was married he had comitments.......BUT he didnt .... Friday week he said ..... 24 hours .... change my life ... he said ......Pick me up from the airport at 10 am he said ...... See you then he said..... BUT i thought he would not be there ... I thought he would just say NO ........ BUT he didnt and he was ...... Why was he there .... why did he not say NO ..... I mean he is married ... he has comitment .... It could have ended this little flirting game ..... He got in my car without a word ..... without a word he just got in .... he could have said NO ... BUT he didnt ..... we drove fast ... out of town away from His life ... away from my life ..... NO words not a one ... ... 24 Hours I said ....... Yes he said ... how can you change my life ..... I smiled as we drove ... away from hes life away from mine ...... I pulled into to a bush track i know so well....i know it well i love it here ..... The smell of the ferns the smell of nature ...... far away from hes life ...... at home in my bush ......... This is great he said with a smile ..... OH we are not there yet we have to walk i said ... are you sure .... i said i can take you home ... He could have said NO .... i mean he is married he has comitments he is a christian ...... BUT he didnt ..... i grabed a bag and motioned him to follow me .... He didnt have to follow me... he could have not .... but he followed me into the ferns ....... down the trail ...... Rain he said ..... wait up he said ......we stopped as the lightning crashed through the sky it was 12 noon but it was dark with a storm ..... do you know where your going he said ..... Shhhh! i said ... trust me i said .... the rain touched my face ...... close your eyes a second i said ..... feel the rain ..... taste the rain ........ feel the storm ..... smelll the ferns .... become one with your sourounding s......... breath slow i said ....... RELAX......... the water touched our faces .... ran down into hes mouth .... the smell of the wet ferns was to die for ...... THUNDER .........LIGHTING....... i take hes hand........ i touch hes hand ...... we feel the energy in the air ...... He could have said NO ..... i took hes hand ....... we walked ....... the rain is cold .... the air electrict........... the smells of peace and nature ..... This is living i say ........ we climb the slippry rocks to my water fall ....... Oh WOW ..... he says ..... this is fantastic ....... Shhhhh! I say .......... there are no words .... this is my place in the world ...... this is living ...... He could have said NO .... lets swim i say ....... this is my home ...... this is living ...... close your eyes i say ........ i strip and dive into the cold cold water of my fall ........ are you coming i say ....... He could have said NO .... I thought he would say NO .... I mean he had comitments ...... he was married .... he was a christian .... he was a father ...... He could have said NO ...... I turned my back and swam away under the water...... The water was cold ... cold like ICE....... i heard a splash behind me but i didnt turn ...... under the fall i swam .... under the water ...... i surface under the fall ...... cold cold water on my head ........ on my skin .... It clears my head of everything ..... ICE cold water ...... he is here ... he is with me ..... under the fall ...... there are no words ..... Shhhhhhh! I say ...... feel the peace i say ........ the ICE water clears my head ..... the water touches our skin ..... I hold hes hand ....... this is living i say .... this is my home ..... this is my place ......... SHHHHHH I say ...... we hug in the water ........ Ice cold water........ I swim away .....my skin crys out the water is cold ..... so very cold ....i climb out on a rock ..... into the rain ........... i walk to my bag ...to my towel ...to my clothes ......... He is following .... he dosnt have to ..... he could say NO ..... he grabs my arm hard ..... Hey i say .... easy i say ...... he spins me around fast ...... i drop my towel ..... Hey i say ...... he looks me in the eye ...... we are wet .... we are cold ..... we are naked in the bush .. at my place ... in the rain ..... I look at hes tight grip on my arm .... i look at hes eyes .... Hey i say ...... he pulls me close .... i look in hes eyes ....... He could have said NO ..... I mean he is married .... he has comitments .... he is a christian .... he is a father..... i look at hes eyes .... he releases his grip...... i look at hes eyes ... we are wet in the rain .... we are naked .... and we are kissing .... warm kisses in the cold cold rain .... warm lips in the cold cold rain ..... we are cold .... we are kissing ..... we are naked ... we are at peace .... he could have said NO ..... He could have said NO ................... the lighting crashes overhead and the thunder claps ......... and i am at peace ..... and we kiss with warm lips in the cold cold rain ...... and we are naked ....... and I COULD HAVE SAID NO ...... I COULD HAVE SAID NO ............ NO ...... but i didnt .......................................................................................................................................

From the Goat !

Hello Boys and Girls, well its friday do you know what time it is ??? Thats right its the Goats day .. the day where i get to give advice to all of you who mailed the goat at
So let me open the mail bag here and take a look ......... Seems like an easy week for the goat with only two letters for me..... (as if you children dont have more problems out there that needs the Goats help) SO lets take alook at the first one .....

Dear Goat,
There is this Girl i like and I think she likes me too but she says she dosnt like me "like that" but everytime we are together we have the best time and I can not help feeling that we would make a great couple... Should I ask her out on a date or just be her friend .... Its hard cause everytime i see her i just want to kiss her????
In love with a friend

Well in love with a friend .... Seems to me you have already got your answer from this girl if she only wants to be your friend then you will have to live with that or move on .... If she said that to you then she is not intrested in you and therefore you should just be a friend and nothing more or if you can not handle it then spend less time with her ..... girls can change there mind but normaly not about things like this ........The Goat

now letter number 2
Dear Mr Goat,
Is this even a real email address and are you even real?? I will prolly get this back as a not sent error wont I ....!!!!!!

Well unsigined,
yes it is real and as you can see yes i am real .... you should have more faith in humanity or Goatanmity for that matter ..... Peace

So there you go boys and girls a quite day for the goat .... please keep the mails coming and rember Dont drink Goat milk its for my kiddies not yours .....
Peace Out
Mr Goat

As good as it gets ??

Hey ... what can i say its 3 am on a friday and i just woke up still so hot i dont know how people sleep when its like this ? but then again who am i to say what normal people do .... normal people are not up at this time of the morning so i guess i am not normal (well we knew that already) I guess that is what this crapy post is about.... why am i not more normal if there is such a thing i mean i never did fit the mold that everyone else did i guess for the most part i have spent my life outside the so called normal ... for the most part i dont have a problem with it ...... I ve always just had my rules and belifs to guide me .... always been the slightly weird chic that didnt quite fit with the normal groups ... always been kinda a loner but always been kinda popular too in a weird way i guess .... Am i spose to fit the mold that other people set for me ? am i spose to feel like other people feel and do what other people do ? if i did would i not feel lonly sometimes? if i did would i be in the arms of someone now ? What would happan if i was more like the rest ? would that mean that i was un true to myself? .... most likley i think it would mean a lie from me i guess i just have to wait out this lonley times .... they can not go on forever can they ? perhaps they can as my worst fears tell me and i am staring at spending the rest of my life alone walking the planet with no one to share my light with ..... just maybe its true ..... What if this is as good as it gets ???????<<<<<

Love and Kisses

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Australia Day !!!!

I came from the dreamtime from the dusty red soil plains I am the ancient heart, the keeper of the flame I stood upon the rocky shore I watched the tall ships come For forty thousand years I'd been the first Australian.

I came upon the prison ship bowed down by iron chains. I cleared the land, endured the lash and waited for the rains.I'm a settler. I'm a farmer's wife on a dry and barren run A convict then a free man I became Australian.

I'm the daughter of a digger who sought the mother lodeThe girl became a woman on the long and dusty roadI'm a child of the depressionI saw the good times comeI'm a bushy, I'm a battlerI am Australian

We are one, but we are many And from all the lands on earth we come We share a dream and sing with one voice: I am, you are, we are Australian I am, you are, we are Australian.

I'm a teller of storiesI'm a singer of songsI am Albert NamatjiraI paint the ghostly gumsI am Clancy on his horseI'm Ned Kelly on the runI'm the one who waltzed MatildaI am Australian

I'm the hot wind from the desertI'm the black soil of the plainsI'm the mountains and the valleysI'm the drought and flooding rainsI am the rock, I am the skyThe rivers when they runThe spirit of this great landI am Australian

We are one, but we are many And from all the lands on earth we come We share a dream and sing with one voice: I am, you are, we are Australian I am, you are, we are Australian.

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Nations Capatial

First its so bloody hot not that i am one to complain but Temperature: Currently it is 38.5 degrees C Maximum today has been 41.8 degrees C at 16:31 Minimum today has been 23.6 degrees C at 06:49 Maximum yesterday was 42.1 degrees C at 15:37 Minimum yesterday was 22.2 degrees C at 05:56 Talk about sweat Oh thats right only Horses sweat men perspire and ladys GLOW !!!! ok so i am glowing alot ... giggles

Just Flew into Canberra for a couple of nights I love it here so many kewl things to see so am hittin the tourist thing tomorrow as well as taking care of some buisness intrests in the arvo i think i am going hot air balloning in the morning which we be a wicked start to the day followed by a champane b/fast ! apart from that it seems nothing changes in this little city same old same old only here till wednessday and then home for Australia day yea !!!!

Well not too much to say I am feeling super fit which is great and looking fwd to race days in a week .......

Peace, love and light

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Back in touch

Spent the day gettting back to nature down the creek floating over the rapids on tires and building witht the river stones ... I really felt the need to just re connect with the water and nature and i think today did it .. i didnt get much sleep last night i even had a good touch of anxitiy but am well over it now i think especialy after spending the day on the river i am very tired but feel very peacful hopefully that will translate to a good nights sleep.

With only a week out till the southen race i need all the rest i can get ...... also off to see Missy next weekend should be great ....
So not much of a post more a Hi everyone kinda thing so be safe and play fair
Sarah XOXO

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Goat

lady's and gentlemen introducing the goat !!!! The goat has an e-mail Address its

Now the goat has advice for you on all your problems and will do a blog for me once a week to share the advice with you all .... So email the goat with your problems and then check back on or about Fridays when the goat will take over the blog and post replys to all or some of the mail he receives......

Now remember that nothing that goes on between men and goats will ever be made public but the goat will love to share his special view of the world with you via a Friday advice column if you will .....

Lookin fwd to sharing my knowledge with you humans ......
bye for now
the goat .......

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Oks Well after i mentioned the seven deadly sins a while back i have been thinking can i perform all seven deadly sins in one day (24 hours) got me thinkin .. can it be done ?? do you dare me??? As you know i can not go to hell so i am not worried about that and well the seven deadly sins are not even biblical they come from Pope Gregory the Great who made the original list way back in the day and then they even changed them as only the all mighty Church can do i guess cause they made the list up they can change it so anyway the original sin of Tristia or sadness to Sloth i guess with all the depression going around making a sin of sadness might have seemed alittle harsh ... so anyway the seven deadly sins are

2. Envy
3. Anger
4. Greed
6. Gluttony
7. Lust

With out getting into it they are bascily called deadly cause the Catholic church claims that there are degrees of sin (which any first week bible student can tell you there isnt) anyway they say there are two types sins which were venial and could be forgiven without the need for the sacrament of Confession and those which were capital and merited damnation. Capital or Deadly Sins were so called because they could have a fatal effect on an individual’s spiritual health

So anyway they came up with seven which apart from the number (3) seven is the number of greatest religious significance in ancient Judaism and anyway they became famous more from the paintings than from anything else ....

So do you think i can do all seven in a 24 hour time frame..???? dare me !!! nah double dare me lol ..... Im taking a poll those in fave and those against ..... comments please ....

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The real reason for going to war and not going to war

While surfing the Iranian defence net lately I think I found the real reason we are at war with some country's and not others ... This one is for all you boys out there and girls who can appreciate a nice smile when they see one.

The first photo is from Israeli Defence Force now you can not go to war against her can ya ?

The second photo is from iran ( I can only say mono brow omgosh bert would be proud)

Do i need to say more???? how about sweden .......

verses say india ... ok ok we are not going to war with india but i think they should watch out if my hypothesise is corect then they might be next

So maybe we are doing some good by killing all these people all over the place i mean i think its clear with what the war mungers are thinking with when they side with some countrys and fight others ....... ???? Am I wrong boys or am I wrong ....lol

Anyway if you are intrested take a look at


There is a huge amount of female soldiers from around the world and i think its easy to see why we dont fight some countrys ... i mean "make love not war" ........

Love ya all

SARAH putting the RRRR! in sarah! ( giggles)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Just a little blog to inform everyone who visits this site that the language used by myself and others might be concidered offencive to people under the age of five years old and people with a bible shoved up there arse so far that they no longer conect to the real world ......

I intend you use all language no matter how colorful to express myself in any maner i see fit at the time and will not be governed by anyones norms ar rules regarding which words i should and should not use on my blog ...... if you dont like it easy dont visit !!! i really dont give a shit if you come or not or coment or not but dont try to tell me how to use my limited vocalbury!!!

therfore this blog may contain words like fuck, shit,cunt,prick,arsehole,dickhead,dumbfuck,fuckwit
,moron,arselicker,smellybreath,poohead,bitch,slut,norrie,personofbadbreading etc .... etc......

So dont bother telling me you dont like it .. piss off dumbfuck!

all my love Sarah xoxox

Monday, January 16, 2006

Save the whales !!!! join the protests for your kids future

The Australin goverment still dose nothing about the Japs killing our whales in our water ... What a pack of fuckwits we have in goverment Im glad John Howard was not in power when those fuckers bombed Dawin!!!!!

Join the protests in your captial city against killing whales by the Japs

CANBERRA -- Japan's fisheries agency may ask for Japanese police to be sent to protect the country's whaling fleet in the Southern Ocean, following two separate collisions this week between whalers and protest ships, a senior agency official said Tuesday.
Conservation groups Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd have been chasing Japan's whaling fleet in Antarctic waters for two weeks, frustrating their hunt for the 850 minke whales and 10 fin whales that Japan says it wants to kill as part of a scientific research program.
Hideki Moronuki, the deputy chief of the Far Seas Fisheries division of Japan's Fisheries Agency, was quoted as saying by Australian Associated Press that it may ask the country's Maritime Police Agency to support its whaling operations if the conservationists escalate their interference.
AAP reported that when asked what Japanese police could do if deployed to the Southern Ocean, Moronuki, speaking from Japan, replied: "I have no idea. They may dispatch aircraft and they may ask the Australian government to take some action."
The two separate collisions on Sunday occurred in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary established by the International Whaling Commission in 1994. Japan does not recognize the sanctuary.
Conservationists have urged the Australian and New Zealand governments -- both strong opponents of whaling -- to send navy ships to stop Japanese ships from killing whales.
Australian Defense Minister Robert Hill said Tuesday there were no plans to deploy ships.
"It's a civilian issue," Hill said. "We don't see an Australian military role."
Japan and Greenpeace are at odds about who was to blame for Sunday's collision between the whaler Nisshin Maru and Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise. The Greenpeace ship was dented at the bow, but no injuries were reported.
Sea Shepherd said it deliberately struck the supply vessel Oriental Bluebird with its ship Farley Mowat later Sunday. Neither ship was badly damaged and no injuries were reported.
"We sideswiped them to get our point across," Paul Watson, the Farley Mowat's captain, told Seven Network television Tuesday by satellite phone from the Southern Ocean.
The Australian government has condemned Sea Shepherd for using extreme tactics. (AP)

Sunday, January 15, 2006


I just noticed how moody i have been of late ... guess its just that time when i get moody so ummm yea ... sorry i guess

Im actually very calm of late i guess it just goes to show you how messed up being a little tired and alike can make ya ... so anyway it seems alot of my friends are stressed at the moment i wonder if it has to do with the new year starting and everyone seems to want to move to the greener grass... everyone is saying things like this year im going to do that or this year is the one i dont do that anymore and its all about heaping stress on yourself ... myself included i often talk about riding the waves that are the movements of some great spirit whatever you believe in i guess what i mean is just relaxin and going with the flow of the world ... its when we move against the flow that we feel things are too dificult to do .... i think it might be a budist principle but it seems to help find that peace ....

I guess if you need it in christian terms let God push you dont push God might be a way of saying the same thing that feels better to you ......

On that note i dont really feel like writing to much tonight so i wont i will "go with the flow" and keep it short and sweet ........... Oh the photo is taken not far from my house at a water fall that i love to go swiming at naked when i feel the need to find peace which for me is always with water in nature ........


sometimes im alone

Sometimes I want to sing to you,
Sometimes I want to cry
.Sometimes I want to talk to you,
Sometimes I change my mind
.Sometimes I have no words to say,
Sometimes I have to many.
Sometimes I have the time to give,
Sometimes I dont have any.

Sometimes I want to run from you,
Sometimes I hope you'll follow.
Sometimes I want to scream at you,
Sometimes my heart seems hollow.
Sometimes I look inside of you,
Sometimes I see myself.
Sometimes I wonder what's the truth,
Sometimes I'm by myself.

good night everyone take care
Sarah xoxoxox zzzzzz~

Saturday, January 14, 2006

first full moon of the year

First full moon so this post is to all my old friends from back in the day ... When i was 15 till i dont know 20 a full moon ment a rave party somewhere What a blast they were a very very fun time in my life nothin i am totaly proud of or anything but you get one life so you better live it as much as you can its music its fake fur its glow sticks and body paint its glitter and lycra its photos and memories its friends and lovers its times gone by and people who passed ..........

Today i want to shout out to Missy friends forever girl memories to keep for years you are my light in dark places and my love ..... Raver Dave man losse the raver part your 30 dude but to the nights we spent pullin flowers and coloring in peace to you ..... DJ MK you are and always will be my protector and my guard as you said its your life long calling dont fail me .... To Seve i will never forget you i carry you always in my heart you have a place i hope you found peace ...... lance where ever you disapeared to on that night and where ever you are i wish you peace and i hope you have it .....

Now while i am at it i want to shout out to some new people in my life too .... To Bear untill we meet (I hope it happans sometimes) Hold out and find your peace and look to me in your night sky .......Jodie what can i say you are a pushy bugger but i love you and look fwd to spendin some time doing the walk ..... and last but not least little Jappo what can i say you push my buttons as much as i push yours its intresting but even you get a mention

So my closest friends get a shout there are many others and as i write this i realise my animal captive friend newlywed Andy will read this so to Mr Andy rember that you will find your way most likly where you are not lookin move with the flow and you will feel it take some time for your inner being to just listen to the great spirit ( what ever your thologity teaches you LOL)

Peace My people
Sarah the love bug XOXOXOXO

Friday, January 13, 2006

Its friday the 13th .... ewwwww scary !

Ladys and gentalmen its friday the 13th be carful ... are you scared ??? are you tough???? dose it even matter probly not ......
So with the weekend rearing its ugly head thoughts again turn to what am i doing well no big plans as yet i am going to a vampire movie at cinimia under the stars thats an outdoor thing every summer they put on a movie under the stars a few times a year you just bring a pinic blanket and to sit on and a bottle of wine and something to eat anyway its the first full moon of the year so we are watching some clasic B/W vampire movie but i forgot what one it is ...... apart from that not much planed .....

I have a race in three weeks and a fight in five weeks so looking fwd to both of them ..... more into on that another time ....
so for now a quick joke

A Vow of ''Celebracy''

The Pope dies and, naturally, goes to heaven. He''s met by the reception committee, and after a whirlwind tour is told that he can enjoy any of the myriad recreations available.
He decides that he wants to read all of the ancient original text ofthe Holy Scriptures, and spends the next eon or so learning the languages.
After becoming a linguistic master,he sits down in the library and begins to pore over every versionof the Bible, working back from the most recent "Easy Reading" to the original script.
All of a sudden there is a screamin the library. The angels come running to him, only to find the Pope huddled in a chair, crying to himself, and muttering,
"An ''R''! They left out the ''R''."
God takes him aside, offering comfort and asks him what the problem is. After collecting his wits, the Pope sobs again,"It''s the letter ''R''... the word was supposed to be CELEBRATE!"

take care little ones
Sarah hugz times 100

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Its black in a black out ..... political correct its dark in a power out

Last night we had a black out and i soon found out why they call it that its so dark and black ..... it was weird cause everything was so so quiet and peacefull and dark now after grabing my running light whats the first thing i do .. look to see if i payed my electricity bill ... how silly well not to silly but may be i should i have checked the fuse box first (do they still call them fuse boxes even though they dont have fuses ? ) so anyway did that second and going with out power even for just a couple of hours was weird around the house i mean i go without it all the time when i camp etc but at home you get use to it ... so it got me thinkin ..... What is the one thing you would have most trouble going without ???? (and no crapo fairy answers like i wouldnt live with out the love of G-d bull shit) we are talkin material stuff like your computer or i pod ... yes i remeber back in the day when we didnt have ipods all those many years ago ... showing my age hey ...(giggles)

I decided to eat ice cream for breakfast today not just a little i ate the whole tub thats 1 liter of soy ice cream (eccess comsuption can have a lactive effect) thats just a silly waring isnt it ....... wrong wrong so very wrong it can and so dose and who would think that eating the whole tub would be eccessive ??? i mean they dont say how much you can eat before its too much do they if i was an americian i would sue someone !!! so anyway awake for 5 mins and already comited my first of the 7 deadly sins ...... (evil laugh out loud ) actuall a naughty idea do you think i could commit all 7 deadly sins in a day ....... mmmmm thinkin .... thinkin...... i feel a dare comming on .... a double dare even ......... (more evil laughing ) ....... ( and then some more ) .. mah aaaaaa

I will have to think on that on ...... anyway thanks to the people who comment I love it so much its like finding a little prizzie and for those that dont ... try it ! i dont bite ...... well not to hard .... unless you want me too ... ( yuck did i say that out loud) ........

Take care my little ones and the ones that are not so little ........

love light and eternal blessings from the sun god !


We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace. ~William Ewart Gladstone

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Peace and Goodwill day .........

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ~Mother Teresa

Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Actually I don't know if today is peace and good will day but do we really need a day for it anyway ..... Today I say little but I think lots ........ Peace to you all no matter where you are and what you are doing spend a minute of your day at peace with your world .....

Love and Light and my the great spirit guide your way
honored to be called your friend Sarah XOXOXOX

Monday, January 09, 2006

To church or not to church that be the question ???????

So it comes to that time ! the time that i dread I walked out of church 6 mths ago but to be honest i had issues with it following the October 2004 elections and my churches seinor pastor running for a seat with the "family first" party mainly i have issues with family first as they are ultra right wing and i have have so many problems with anyone being right wing and christian for so many reasions that i dont have all day to blog about but the main one was the fact that they would use the house of G-d and preaching time to push there political beliefs which i found a total abuse of G-ds office and a waste of my time as i had to come to hear the word of G-d not some wanker talk about politics before the 2004 election i had never even mentioned my political views in church and had no plans to It was the dickheads at family first who brought politics into my church and if they think i am going to sit there and listen to ultra right wing arguments then they are so wrong ...... the christian church should be non political ....!!!!!!!

Anyway i walked out when some dickhead turned up to preach and started handing out famialy firts membership pamphlets on the product table .. i held my tounge and aproched the pastor about it saying its G-ds house and enough is enough he told me to take it up with the visiting preacher so i did that (and i was so polite too ) anyway after i got home i though its time to stop going because its just getting out of hand and i dont want to be around people like that i thought to myself i would give myself the rest of the year to rest and decide what i will do..... well i guess its time for me to make a desion the options are .....

1 keep doing what i am doing that is nothing to do with any church.

2 go to a new church and start again

3 go back to the same church

4 burn down the church and start my own church.

At the moment i do not feel any need or pull to go to church i dont want to go back as they have not bothered to contact me about my objections not one person in the whole place ... i did run into a leardership meeting at the coffee shop and said hi they asked where i had been and i told them that i quit church and quickly the reasions why one of the elders said he wanted to call me and talk about it i said sure i am open to talking about it and seeing your views and how i can overcome it cause i dont want some dumb issue to stand in the way of me and church anyway i gave him my number and never heard from him ........... i have also heard that the senior pastor thinks im an idot over my views .... an issue that i plan on taking up with him when i see him and i will ... if he wants to talk trash about me he can do it to my face or i beat hes arse like i would anyone else .......

So there you go i think for now i will take another 6 mths and then who knows maybe another 6.... i am just not intrested on any political views in church ... they dont belong !!!!

Just my views babys ....... comment away and be as rude as you like ... cause as if i actualy care what anyone thinks anyway ......

Peace to all and good night


Sunday, January 08, 2006

Why not try vegan ? It could change your life for the better

Just about everyone I meet asks me about why I became a vegan? Or what I eat? For some people they have an issue with it some people don't most people have not tried going vegan or veggie for even a couple of weeks and I encourage them to try for a couple of weeks and see how they feel or what they thought.... For me I have been a veggie for the last 14 odd years and a vegan for the last 10 or so of them the reasons I have area varied but focus on the main three being Animal compassion, Personal health, and caring for the environment. I would also throw into that a belilef that any good Christian would also conceder a vegan diet rembering that the garden of Eden was vegan and heaven is vegan and if we are to pray that gods will be done on earth as it is in heaven then that would mean praying for a vegan society would it not (ok maybe I am pushing it with that statement..Giggles)
so anyway here is something I would ask you to read with an open mind and ask me any questions on being vegan you might have......

When it comes to vegetarianism, the number one question on most meat-eaters' minds is, "What do you eat?" The answer: Anything we want! There are vegetarian alternatives to almost any animal food, from soy sausages and "Fib Ribs" to Tofurky jerky and mock lobster. Vegetarian-friendly menus are sprouting up everywhere—even Burger King offers veggie burgers—and more and more eateries are focusing exclusively on vegetarian and vegan foods. There are fantastic alternatives to every dairy product you can imagine, including Soy Delicious ice cream, Silk chocolate soy milk, Tofutti cream cheese, and more.

Every year in the U.S., more than 27 billion animals are slaughtered for food. Raising animals on factory farms is cruel and ecologically devastating. Eating animals is bad for our health, leading directly to many diseases and illnesses, including heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. In response to animal welfare, health, and ecological concerns, compassionate people everywhere are adopting a vegetarian diet.

For Animals Animals on factory farms are treated like meat, milk, and egg machines. Chickens have their beaks seared off with a hot blade, and male cows and pigs are castrated without painkillers. All farmed chickens, turkeys, and pigs spend their brief lives in dark and crowded warehouses, many of them so cramped that they can't even turn around or spread a single wing. They are mired in their own waste, and the stench of ammonia fills the air. Animals raised for food are bred and drugged to grow as large as possible as quickly as possible—many are so heavy that they become crippled under their own weight and die within inches of their water supply. Animals on factory farms do not see the sun or get a breath of fresh air until they are prodded and crammed onto trucks for a nightmarish ride to the slaughterhouse, often through weather extremes and always without food or water. Many die during transport, and others are too sick or weak to walk off the truck after they reach the slaughterhouse. The animals who survive this hellish ordeal are hung upside-down and their throats are slit, often while they're completely conscious. Many are still alive while they are skinned, hacked into pieces, or scalded in the defeathering tanks. Learn more about the factory-farming industry.

For Your HealthSome of the leading killers in America today, including heart disease, cancer, obesity, and strokes, are directly linked to meat-based diets. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in America today, and it is caused by the build-up of cholesterol and saturated fat from animal products in our arteries. The only two doctors in human history who have successfully reversed heart disease have included an exclusively vegetarian diet as a part of their programs. The average vegan cholesterol level is 133 (compared to 210 for meat-eaters); there are no documented cases of heart attacks in individuals with cholesterol under 150. Other health problems tied to clogged arteries, like poor circulation and atherosclerotic strokes, can be virtually eliminated with a vegan diet

Vegans are approximately one-ninth as likely to be obese as meat-eaters and have a cancer rate that is only 40 percent that of meat-eaters. People who consume animal products are also at increased risk for many other illnesses, including strokes, obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis, Alzheimer's, multiple allergies, diabetes, and food poisoning. Learn more about the health benefits of a vegetarian diet.

For the EnvironmentAmerica's meat addiction is poisoning and depleting our potable water, arable land, and clean air. More than half of the water used in the United States today goes to animal agriculture, and since farmed animals produce 130 times more excrement than the human population, the run-off from their waste is fouling our waterways. Animal excrement emits gases, such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, that poison the air around farms, as well as methane and nitrous oxide, which are major contributors to global warming. Forests are being bulldozed to make more room for factory farms and feed crops to feed farmed animals, and this destruction causes soil erosion and contributes to species extinction and habitat loss. Raising animals for food also requires massive amounts of food and raw materials: Farmed animals consume 70 percent of the corn, wheat, and other grains that we grow, and one-third of all the raw materials and fossil fuels used in the U.S. go to raising animals for food. In short, our country's meat addiction is wrecking the earth. Read more about factory farming and the environment

Thanks for taking the time to read that guys i love you all so much
Hugz from Sarah XOXOXOXO

Saturday, January 07, 2006

This is Mr angry

Hi peeps, this is Mr Angry!. I'm posting him cause i am a little mad today ...... i ran into a girl who interfered in a relationship i was having about 2 years ago .... it was none or her buisness and her interference really stuffed things up .... so i saw her today and i could just feel the anger rising in me i wanted so bad to go and fuck her up i wanted to beat her sence less and then rip her hair out fist full at a time i wanted to poke her eyes out with a hot smoke i wanted to kill her and then bring her back to life with those electric thingos the medics use then kill her again just to bring her back and repeat it a few times!!!!!! i wanted to tie her to my car and drag her all the way to Melbourne then feed her to a dog then kill the dog .....

Wow that feels good to get that out of me ..... oh and i am only joking about killing the dog part the rest i would do if i had half a chance .......

So anyway i just got another txt today from another number ........ i am begining to think some one found it and posted it somewhere or wrote it on the wall of some bar ... thats three difrent numbers and only one number i know ... the other two send a couple of messages nothing threating or rude but i iggy them and then nothing ....... what to do ..... might have to change the number again ...... i hate phone calls form people i dont know and anything late at night ...

So anyway spent the day suckin down some chai at Hudsons and the arvo down the river laying in the sun ..... so nice ......

Take care little ones .....

Sarah XOXO

Ps re: the quiz i got intouch with dave and him and hes girlfriend are coming with me and jodie to the concent .. if some one from overseas had one it would have been a diffrent prize ... should be a nice day i can not wait !

peace out

God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages. ~Jacques Deval, Afin de vivre bel et bien

Quiz results are in !

Here are the names of the ten highest scores:
63 - Raver dave
63 - Jodie
50 - Pete
50 - Melissa....morison
50 - Master X
38 - edward
25 - monkey pants
25 - Nic
25 - Da
25 - Christopher
13 - andy
0 - DR phil
We there you go ! no real suprises excpet i have a draw Dave and Jodie so i guess you guys both win Jodie is my Hairdresser so i guess she knows all my dirty little sececrets and Dave is an old buddy from way back .... So you both win tickets to see Missy Higgins with me at "a day on the green" coming up on Jan 28 Yea! jodie is a local so thats kewl Dave if you get to Melbourne I will get you and your chic up here (email me back smuck!)

Friday, January 06, 2006

OK whos been giving our my number!???

I love my phone i live with my phone but my number is one thing i hold kinda close i mean i just dont give it out to many people and its not on any list which is how i like it ... I even tell people ill call them so i dont have to give them my number untill i know them better..... So anyway someone is giving my number out last night i got 26 sms messages from some girl i hardly knew and she wont tell me who gave her the number i only met her once at a party and now she thinks she can sms me at 1130 pm at night anyway she wont take no for an answer (yes she is gay and i am well not gay) anyway she just started sms me again this arvo at 430 pm ... i mean what the hell its for this reasion i dont give my number out ... GRRRR! now i have to find out who gave me number out and bash them ..... well atleast use some strong words!

On another note i can now play "noel" on the keys and am well on the way to learning the "entertainer" i know crap songs but i have to start somewhere ?
Also last night found a kewl site where you can make your own motervational posters or funny posters that look like motervational ones more to the point ... you know the crap ones you see in some work places with the headlines like "TEAMWORK" and "CLIMB THAT MOUNTAIN" crap like that
you can make them at

Dont pay for them just grab them when you have done it ... too kewl if anyone can place a mock one inplace of a real one and show me the photos i will by them many beers !

Well thats all for now my children
Peace Sarah XOXOX
Support your right to arm bears. ~Cleveland Amory

Thursday, January 05, 2006

ok a new post ..... truth or dare

Well i had to delete the missy one cause it even though it was kewl to post a music video (do they still call them music videos) anyway it like sucked everyones bandwith so i took it down ...... ant i nice

So anyway had a huge day training which was fantastic but buggered me for the rest of the day with only a day left in the quiz i am intrested to see who wins cause the prize is very kewl (well i think so!)

I keep lookin up at this calander "far better it is to do dare mighty things than to live in the grey that knows not victory or defeat" Theodore Roosevelt..... its like staring back at me saying dare you to do something....

Did you ever play truth or dare as a kid im sure you did. So what is your best dare story ... come on you can tell me i wont tell anyone ......

My best story would have to be doing a nudie run around coles carpark at 1 am ...... not that exciting now but funny at the time.

So should i dare something mighty this year? i have some thoughts i guess if i put them into action and commit myself to them then they will happan i am the kinda person that once commited dosent turn back....
Well its 1212 am and i have a run in 5 hours just enough time to get some sleep
Take care Babys
Sarah XOXOX hugz

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

detox is over !

Well detox is over and i have to say it was a waste of my time i dont carry any toxins so nothing really to report i had a slight withdraw from caffieene minor head ache on the first day and nothing else only i sweated like pig when i worked out but nothing major like you hear happans to some people.
So second i guess i need to say sorry for the last blog as many of you have pointed out i dont give much info out about me to many people so i guess i should not blame you for not knowing some stuff ... still you got a few days to go and there is a prize so if you goto have a second go there has been alot of peeps try but most are out of the top ten by now!
So anyway today was a day of lazy i though about doing stuff but didnt do it ... go figure guess i needed it i will be getting alot of sleep tonight i have been skippin alittle and it shows ....

OH and enough coments about my baby pic and the size of my ears ..... man i am thinkin of calling a plastic surgen as i type this and the lord of the rings comment andy ..... omgosh if i only cared what you think that might hurt me .....
Till next time stay healthy
peace out
Sarah XOXOXO :)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I dont want to be a dash!!!!!!

What happend in the next 25 odd years from then to now ........ Well lots Made me who i am sometimes i think thats great sometimes i think thats not so good but at least i am true to me !!!!

Some people dont really know who they are? they never take the time to get to know themselfs. People always ask what do you do? they dont ask who are you? They never take the time to ask Whats your passion? What moves you? Is it just me that thinks is weird that people want to classify you on what Job you do or who you work for ???? Not on who you are or what you like to do??? Or where did you come from? ...... I have a little quiz running and the thing that blows my mind is that people think they know me fairly well but they dont know my birthday they dont know what is inportaint to me and what i want to do before i die .... some people i only chat to on yahoo and thats kewl but some of them i have chatted to for years and i would think that maybe you might know something about me ??? someone only asked me the other night whos Sarah??? they thought my name was Soph...... People here i am !!!! i want to make a mark in this world i dont want my life to be just a little - inbetween two dates .... you see it in cemertarys when your born you get a date when you die you get a date and your whole life is just a dash - .... thats it!! well not for me ........ When i die everyone will know a lot of people will be there ... i will live my life so that at my furneral the priest will cry the under taker will cry!!!!


I say leave small footprints on the earth but i want to leave big footprints on your heart ..... i just made that up wow

Anyway on that note i take a deep breath and hope that day dosnt come for many many years and in the mean time you all get to laugh your arses off at my baby photo .......
Take care of yourself and each other
Sarah XOXOX aka Soph555555

Monday, January 02, 2006

Have you seen that girl?

Today i just want to shrink i want to be tiny so tiny no one notices me .... have you ever felt like that ? Have you ever wanted to just be nothing? I want to eat the cake that says EAT ME! and shrink to nothing so that no one sees me or notices me ...... that is today.
Late night chatting with a friend last night I guess i had something to say or just had that feeling that i needed to get it off my chest (who knows now its off i might grow boobs) anyway talked about the past and brought up alot of memories about things long gone, people and places i guess being the new year we all tend to take stock to stop where we are and take a few mins to see where we have been. Its like looking back on the path we took the mistakes we made and the decisions that made our path twist and turn the way it did. I dont regret anything i have ever done cause i know that at the time i needed to do what i did and make the desion that i did it has made me who i am and will equip me for what lays ahead (hopefully better times) have you ever seen a small child and wondered what their future holds? have you ever wished you did something difrent and want to go back and change it ??? some people look back and want something difrent i look back and say look there i made a mistake but look how it effected the outcome ..... the one thing i dont want to be guily of is a wasted life !!!! so i will fill each day with what i can ....
Have you ever wondered where your inner child went ???? have you seen that boy or girl lattly .... where is she gone ?
For me the answer is she is here with me close and holding my hand saying lets go on that ride sarah ... lets see where that path leads ... lets run and play and skip and smile

Take care friends ... and take the quiz while you can there can be only one winner ..Ps some of your answers suck ! ... giggles

peace Sarah XOXOXO!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Temperature: Currently it is 41.1 degrees C Maximum today has been 43.0 degrees C at 12:35

OK its hot enough to cook a chook .... the roads are liquid and the wind burns your eyes.... so whats a girl to do. Well whats an athlete to do train of course! so thats what i did 1 hour run 1 hour weights 30 mins bag work ....... omgosh i drank 3.5 liters and that was just on the run another liter or so on the rest ... i threw up once and that was a red color it was kewl cause i have not eatten anything red so it made me think .. what the hell was it ! anyway i had a trainner once and he use to make me train in any weather he would say we dont know what its going to be like when your racing so you may as well get use to it! rain hail sun or worse he would have me out in it!!! made me tough!

So basicly i am spending the arvo inside with a dvd under the air con..... dont forget to take the quiz only 6 days left to win a prize !!!!!!!!

I watched the dvd "my date with Drew" last night now there is an hour of my life i will never get back.......

hope whatever your doing it going good for you ....

Take care my sweets


Quiz Time

ok I am starting the year with a quiz, shouldnt take you long to do only 8 or 9 questions and all multi choice like a drivers licence and there is a prize !!!! but im not telling what it is !!!!! so have a go please !!!!! the winner will be contacted at the end of the week ...... have some fun the quiz is here


oh and by the way its sooooo HOT here and we are not talkin my bum hot we are talkin burn your feet hot