Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Christmas Tree

Today i put up a Christmas Tree ...... Its a metal one but it has lights on it .... photo to come ........
Ok I hear you say BIG deal right WOW Im so impressed .... ha ha ha fuck you ..... no seriously its kinda a big deal for a few reasions first i never had christmas when i was little ... thats right i was a bad girl well thats what i thought but Jews dont have Christmas and let me tell you Chanukah is not not half as much fun as having some Fat man in a red suit come to your house.... so anyway my first christmas was at 15 at a friends house and that was soooooo kewl cause the fat man found me there and i got a book and a T- Shirt and a Tape (you know those things grandpa talks about) i think it was Wham or something like that ..... anyway I Had some christmas from then on not the big deal just a huge vegan meal and some prezzies mostly ones i gave rather than ones i got as most people i knew didnt do christmas so i would call it Chanukah gifts and eat latkes untill i burst .......
So now anyway I live alone and Christmas is not as much fun when you dont have peeps to share it with So i am sharing it with you all ..... and i put a tree up i havnt bothered with that for a few years but a friend of mine came over and said if i put a tree up he would put a prezzie under it for me so being the free loader that i am i when and bought a tree today i will take a pic of it soon its metal and kinda funky ........
So who knows the fat man might come i have been a good girl giggles ..... no serious i HAVE !!!!!

on another note did you know that santa re aranged is satan ....... now we know who really gives prezzies

OH and a little known fact some friends of mine looked into how much the Gold frankncence and mur would be worth and the wise men giving to a new king under the rules of the day giving inline with those rules for the birth of a new king would have given the equlivent of about 300 million in todays money so you can forget your poor carpender type of mel gibson hollywood thoughts you have old JC had some serious bling in them days ......

Peace to earth .... etc
Sarah xoxoxo!


Anonymous said...

I hope you aren't expecting this fat man this the way, nice blog;)

Sarah said...

Thanks da bear and anyone is welcome at my table anytime of the year .
luv ya

andy said...

hey you might find this funny... had an interview to do IT at a Jewish nursing home... perhaps i will see u in a few yrs ;)

Sarah said...

Yep just a Few years left in these old bones ....... how rude! Anyway as if the Jews would give you a job

andy said...

of cause they will.... i am their IT mesaiah .....

ok i am DEFINATLY going to hell for that comment ;)

Sarah said...

If hope rests with you then we are all hell bound ... giggles .. IT mesaiah where did you pull that from