Monday, June 25, 2007

8 Things about me ...oks

[edit sorry dave!!!!!!]

Dave taged me for 8 things post well I guess that means I will tell you all 8 more things about me but I think you already know all that is worth knowing ....... So using Dans post as a guide here I go ...

1, I am an only child but I do have a young half brother but I think I have only met him once maybe twice ... I left home at 14 and haven't looked back I also have never met my Dad but have no plans to track him down I mean If I am not worth his time then he is not worth mine ...

2, I finished high school I hold an arts degree and a marketing degree, They are somewhere in a box which shows how much value I place on them actually I was going to burn my arts degree as an artistic statement but couldn't find it at the time ... ha ha ...

3,I am 29 (ouch) I have lived in Sydney, Melbourne, Albury/ wodonga, Paris, Rouen, and that's about it ... I have stayed at other places but not for more than a couple of Mths so they don't count.

4, Lets see jobs lol .... well I was a photographer for a marketing company for a few years, I own a Tea shop and sometimes work as a barista there, I have also made money doing some crap modeling for art studies while in France and I have also done some close protection work in the last few years but the jobs are few and far between (Prolly a good thing)

5,mmmmm am I a christian ??? who knows... I was once but kinda fell out with the powers that be and never really been back .. I like to think I am spiritual and open to many beliefs my own belief would prolly fall somewhere in between them all .... ( not really an answer is it)

6,Music well I like it all I have a huge collection of mp3/cds whatever you kids call them these days .. If you walk into my home you may find blues and roots playing you might find clasical or hardcore punk!!!!! I love house and Teckno... but never like country cause that stuff is shit!!!

7,I am quite and kind but I guess if you said tom boy or something like that it would best decribe me .. I do alot of outdoor stuff and dont mind getting my hands dirty

8,All time dream job .. ha ha I havnt worked like a real job in about 5 years and never will have to work again if i continue to play my cards right I guess you could say I retired at 25 and now the life I want .... I am not going to explain it too much on here but anything is posiable if you want it .....

So there you go 8 things some of you knew about me and some of you didnt ...

PS. Dave are you going to visit me or what !!!!! I did this post just for you hunny

Love and light
Sarah xoxoxox

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

KFC Tortures Chicks

Hilltop Hoods frontman Matt Lambert, a.k.a. Suffa, appears in a brand new ad for People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

Watch more videos at

Monday, June 18, 2007

The bikie within ........

Well not to much going on in my life the only news I have is I am buying another motorbike .... yes another one ... I have a small dirt bike but of late I have been looking at getting a road bike .. Just a small one but perhaps something bigger in a couple of years if I live that long .. being fairly light a big bike would kill me in next to no time without the right training and experance and from what I know its a huge difrence from riding my dirt bike to riding a road bike so better to be safe than sorry ...

I have been shopping around and am going to buy the a new GPX 250 sold in the USA as the NINJI 250 .. anyway I will post some pix when I have it and show you all ... I am going to wait till next financal year so more time to wait and think I guess .. here is a photo in the mean time ..

Sunday, June 10, 2007


ok ok ok I am posting I am .... lol ... let me sleep!!!!

So anyway I am going to share with you all some of the area around my little house and why I love it here sooooo ...... first I live between the towns of Leura and Katoomba

Click on it too enlarge or get better glasses for those of you that dont know thats about 100Km West of sydney

I guess the best way if for me to show you some of the sites around here and to spite my better judgment I will add some you tube vids to take alook at I know peeps hate the long loads so I will take no offence if you dont watch them ... hell I didnt take them ... you can even CLICK HERE to see the offical tourist infomation vid if you like ... its a bit tacky but what the hell ... you will get the idea ..

Actually I have spent alot of time today trying to find something on you tube to show you all ... and apart from shit there is not much ... I dont want to wast your time so perhaps I should take my cam out for a day .... maybe .... I am soo lazy sometimes .. Here is the better ones ... the first is from YHA

Take care friends
love and light
Sarah xoxoxo