Freedom of speech is enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is granted formal recognition by the laws of most nations.
In the United States freedom of expression is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution
It is under this headline that post about Barrys blog being taken down! I am probbaly talking out of turn but I just dont believe the bullshit that is going on with the guys the USA has sent to iraq or in Barrys case the contract company that looks after the police training ..
Now this is most likley none of my bussisness but it seems weird that a country that claims to be free is in actualy fact anything BUT !! now I liked barrys blog he was always carful to write about himself and not anything that was not in the news already he didnt give out anything that would be even slightly be seen as privete infomation more offten or not it was on himself and hes thoughts and had nothing to do with the iraq sutiation ..
How can bullshit like this keep going on before people wake up !!!! it seems almost everyone who had a blog in iraq has been forced to remove it .. What next the mail has pass through some goverment office .. phone calls are monitored .. what the hell is going on .. How on earth can you preach to be a free country .. or bring freedom to Iraq ?????
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Freeway Blogger
A good friend emailed me this site today after I stoped laughing I thought I should post it here for you all to take a look at !!! I am thinking of doing something like this myself If I do I will be sure to post the photos ....
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Cough Cough
Those of you who have been up to my place or at least know where I live will know that the past week has seen my little corner of the world once again covered in smoke and flames from the bush fires, They have been burning for about a week now and still very nasty ... This is so way early for bush fires as you know we get our share here but normally much latter in the summer not at the start it just shows how dry every thing is .... Yes I did say it snowed here about 6 weeks ago the weather is just so fucked up this year ......
My little place is safe for the most part as I have my own water system and can drain my pool if need to be provide a full spray of water over my house it was installed by the last owner and works a treat well not that a fire has come through here but i do test it at least twice a year ..
Todays News A 17-strong Remote Area Firefighting Team was deployed by helicopter this morning ahead of the fire front, currently burning in the valley system near the mountain town of Faulconbridge.
While the RAFT team represents the first attack on the blaze, the bulk of the 500 firefighters working in the region are concentrating on the last line of defence – the so-called “Black Line” of back-burning in front of towns along the Great Western Highway.
Anyway .... lots of fun and games
take care everyone
love and light
Monday, November 20, 2006
Beach party FLOP
Well I must be getting old or aleast my friends are getting old ... too old for a good beach party it seems .. oh well I had about 20 or so friends there and we had a great time even if we were down on numbers I was expecting about 50 peeps oh well ... prolly my poor planing
anyway It seems everyone is going away or on some trip or just not bloging at the moment .. you all have a great life giggles ...
christmas is coming up fast as with only 5 weeks or so to go ... wow where did all this year go ? seems like only yesterday we were starting a new year and now we are about to start another one ... I wonder what new years promises will come out of blog ville this year .. has anyone even thought about it yet ... I bet Andy is going to tell us all he will blog everyday again .. (ha ha )
I actually bought a 07 calander thingo the other day I dont know what is more scarry the fact that I bought it or the fact i actually had some stuff to put in it... I am planing to spend some time in NZ again hopfully about a mth or so .. I would love to be there now and see the ice berg that is 100 mts tall and not all that far off the coast ... gee if you needed a sign about global warming there it is ...
Anyway I am looking fwd to seeing Borat soon everyone says its funny as hell and I do love Ali G so when I get the chance I will be there ..
Take care little ones
love and light
OH and almost forgot I have started hitting training hard again in the hope of maybe doing some races next year .. I got board I guess
see ya
anyway It seems everyone is going away or on some trip or just not bloging at the moment .. you all have a great life giggles ...
christmas is coming up fast as with only 5 weeks or so to go ... wow where did all this year go ? seems like only yesterday we were starting a new year and now we are about to start another one ... I wonder what new years promises will come out of blog ville this year .. has anyone even thought about it yet ... I bet Andy is going to tell us all he will blog everyday again .. (ha ha )
I actually bought a 07 calander thingo the other day I dont know what is more scarry the fact that I bought it or the fact i actually had some stuff to put in it... I am planing to spend some time in NZ again hopfully about a mth or so .. I would love to be there now and see the ice berg that is 100 mts tall and not all that far off the coast ... gee if you needed a sign about global warming there it is ...
Anyway I am looking fwd to seeing Borat soon everyone says its funny as hell and I do love Ali G so when I get the chance I will be there ..
Take care little ones
love and light
OH and almost forgot I have started hitting training hard again in the hope of maybe doing some races next year .. I got board I guess
see ya
Friday, November 17, 2006
White Ribbon Day 25th Nov
I Know what your thinking another day another bloody ribbon it seems theses days that there is a ribbon to wear on most days of the year for some thing or another if its not AIDS or cancer then its something more close to home like we are wearing a purple ribbon cause little Timmy can not find is dog. Anyway this is one I would like you to all get behind cause its something that has touched my life in such a huge way but we will get to that ..
What is White Ribbon Day ?
White Ribbon Day was created by a handful of Canadian men in 1991 on the second anniversary of one man's massacre of 14 women in Montreal. They began the White Ribbon Campaign to urge men to speak out against violence against women.
In 1999, the United Nations General Assembly declared November 25 the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (IDEVAW) and the White Ribbon has become the symbol for the day.
What Does Wearing A White Ribbon Mean?
Wearing a White Ribbon is not a badge of purity or a badge of perfection. It does not mean that the wearer has perfect relationships. It does not mean that this man has never been violent in the past. It does not mean that this man has all the answers. It simply means that this man believes that violence towards women is unacceptable
In 2004, more than 200,000 White Ribbons, and in 2005 250,000, were worn by men and women across Australia in their workplaces - all Australian police forces, many national and local sporting organisations, the media, politics, the Australian Defence Force, and in capital cities, rural towns and regional centres.
So Why This Day Why am I Talking about this one?
I always think twice or three times about posting my personal stuff on my blog cause it never seems to be a wise thing to do but here goes I guess most of you kinda know about my past anyway so the short and condenced version.
First I have to say this this is like a Life time ago (well 6 years and a bit now)As most of you know I was married YEA! to the best guy in the world well so I thought We has the best wedding it was so kewl I rember that 2 of my friends from France came all the way to suprise me and that my dress was like 2000 worth and so nice, We actually spent more money on hire cars than I did on my first car as we had 4 vintage black Jags anyway it was such a great day (not that my mother came but thats another story) anyway before I get lost in all the girly shit about how nice it was and who came etc etc. thats not what I am talking about See Noah (G_d bless him!) had quite a few problems the major one was his anger and his controling ways now I know I should have seen it coming and looking back I prolly did. But when you are young and stupid you think you can do anything and hey the church was there to help and suport were they not!
So it wouldnt have been long before I knew things were not quite right probaly started with my friends telling me that he treated them like shit behind my back (always trust your friends!!!) and asking me not to see some people I mean we were married and I guess I could do that right! so anyway by the end of the first year I Had distanced myself from most of my friends I had made some huges changes in my lifestyle just because of him now I know that in the first year we had some huge fights what was worrying was that the fights were getting worse from simple disagrements to full on shouting matches to pushes and by the end of the year you guessed it pushing shoving and the odd hit!!
Its actually alot harded for me to write this crap than it should be so if it seems that I am just touching the surface well you get that .. Its personal stuff after all and the net is so personal right! anyway I dont know how it happaned I dont know what went wrong and I dont know how I got so so very stupid but by the end of the second year I had become what I hate!.. I had lost myself I was in a relationship with a monster that got worse and worse the violence got more often and more severe By the end of that year I was more a punching bag than a wife ( dont know how I dont know why) but I do know that I was getting hit atleast once a week that my life was not mine and I have NO idea why I stayed or why I let this happan or why I kept going back for more!! I guess some lessions you just dont learn!
It all came to a head when I fell pregnant after we had been married for about 2.5 years. Now a baby is going to fix everything isnt it! I mean everyone loves babys and this was going to be our start to a family everything was going to be so good I told a church friend first who has some idea of what was going on. Most didnt!.. I was so scarred to tell Noah about it I kept it to myself for a few weeks fearing an argument. I use to live with such fear. Anyway when I did telll him all hell broke lose big time and to cut along story short I got the beating of my life at aobut 3 am I woke up in a pool of my own blood and everything hurting i couldnt breath I couldnt walk and my arms wouldnt do what I wanted I so dont know how I got to the phone and got an ambulance I looked like I had been run over with a Truck twice... I forget most of what happaned for the next few days I was in Hospitial and thats all I really know. Needless to say I lost the baby even if it was only early days you still feel the loss. Noah was no where to be seen and My only true friend in the whole world was there by my side.
This was like the end and the start of my life (I know I am skipping stuff) anyway Noah was tracked down by some of my old friends from surfing days and from what I hear they fucked him up good not that I wanted that to happan I just wanted him gone and for the most part I never saw him again untill late last year but more on that another time .. ( I do love him) ... From then on I took alot of time getting to know me getting to know what I wanted to do .. getting to know how to live the life I wanted with the people I want to ... Anyone who knows me now would tell you just how strong I am how balanced I am. How at peace I am ....
So getting back to WHITE RIBBON day its a big one its something worth your support its not going to cost you anything. So get behind it for everyone whos still living in fear whos hiding from people who say they love them for you mother your sister you ex girlfriends you children your friends ... just stand up!!!! ...
Australian research has established that:
more than 1 million women have experienced violence during a relationship with 60% reporting that they lived in fear during the relationship;
23% of women in a current relationship, or who had been in a relationship, experienced physical and/or sexual violence from a partner;
20% of women who experienced violence were pregnant when violence first occurred;
67.6% of women who experienced violence said their children had witnessed the violence (Women's Safety Australia, ABS 1996);
the average direct cost of services for each victim of domestic violence was just over $51,000 per year in 1988;
domestic violence generates enormous costs for the health sector and the legal sector (second only to traffic accidents in taking up police time) (Roberts 1988);
domestic violence significantly disrupts employment and business productivity with direct and indirect costs to business estimated at $1.5 billion annually (Henderson 2000);
there are significant costs in income and other support for women who are unable to obtain or keep a job in the wake of leaving a violent relationship.
Wow did you really read all the way down to here ... Well done !!! lol
Anyway I so hate talking about the past thats why I skipped along and tryed not to get into do much depth with it all .. the main thing is its just so long ago and so much not who I am today .....
I guess thats all I Have for ya today
play safe
love and light
If you want more info on white ribbon day click here
Sunday, November 12, 2006
The weekend and Schapelles Corbys book
Hi funky monkey people,
I have been reading Schapelle Corbys book "My Story" for those who dont know Schapelle Leigh Corby, a 28 year old Australian arrested on October 8, 2004 for allegedly transporting 4.1 kg of marijuana from Australia to Bali, Indonesia. Customs officials at the Denpassar airport discovered the marijuana in her boogie board bag. Schapelle was sentenced 20 years imprisonment on May 27th 2005 in the Denpassar district court.
Despite legal appeals calling for her release, Schapelle Corby remains interned in Kerobokan Prison [Bali]. She steadfastly maintains her innocence!
She my be guilty or inocent I guess it depends on who you believe and alike.. I dont know or claim to know if she did it or not but I do think that its kinda harsh the term and prison that she now finds herself in I do feel that she should be able to serve her time here in Australia with decent treatment but if you like there are many sites like free schapelleand News storys If you would like to know more
Anyway back to the book its not the best or most intersting thing I have ever read but hey its worth a look when you have nothing to do. Perhaps more sutited to a background new artical about her than a 35 dollar read I found it worthwhile but not something I would buy again ..
So this weekend I completed my first course in basic auslan sign language and I feel like I took to it like a duck to water its much easyer than it looks and with some help I should be able to pick it up in a very short time this makes one more language to my colection which is growing all the time ..
I am throwing a huge beach party for my birthday on friday night anyone in the Illawarra area its going to be at coalcliff (above) get intouch or just turn up we will have a fire and DJ so come on down dont bring anything just tell me who you are lol ... Oh and yes its safe we have that covered ...!!!
Thats all I really have for ya today
take care people
love and light
I have been reading Schapelle Corbys book "My Story" for those who dont know Schapelle Leigh Corby, a 28 year old Australian arrested on October 8, 2004 for allegedly transporting 4.1 kg of marijuana from Australia to Bali, Indonesia. Customs officials at the Denpassar airport discovered the marijuana in her boogie board bag. Schapelle was sentenced 20 years imprisonment on May 27th 2005 in the Denpassar district court.
Despite legal appeals calling for her release, Schapelle Corby remains interned in Kerobokan Prison [Bali]. She steadfastly maintains her innocence!
She my be guilty or inocent I guess it depends on who you believe and alike.. I dont know or claim to know if she did it or not but I do think that its kinda harsh the term and prison that she now finds herself in I do feel that she should be able to serve her time here in Australia with decent treatment but if you like there are many sites like free schapelleand News storys If you would like to know more
Anyway back to the book its not the best or most intersting thing I have ever read but hey its worth a look when you have nothing to do. Perhaps more sutited to a background new artical about her than a 35 dollar read I found it worthwhile but not something I would buy again ..
So this weekend I completed my first course in basic auslan sign language and I feel like I took to it like a duck to water its much easyer than it looks and with some help I should be able to pick it up in a very short time this makes one more language to my colection which is growing all the time ..
I am throwing a huge beach party for my birthday on friday night anyone in the Illawarra area its going to be at coalcliff (above) get intouch or just turn up we will have a fire and DJ so come on down dont bring anything just tell me who you are lol ... Oh and yes its safe we have that covered ...!!!
Thats all I really have for ya today
take care people
love and light
Beach party,
Kathryn Bonella,
Schapelle Corby,
Friday, November 10, 2006
Oh and yes it was my birthday
Hey butt monkeys !!!!
Yes it was my birthday on Tuesday so I am now and old duck and will learn to knit and wear a Hat and lawn bowl and all that shit .... ( actually have a sore back today) welcome to my pity party lol ...
So to all the friends that called me and emailed me ... I LOVE you so very much .. to the people who didnt ...... I LOVE you too !!!!
I am doing my sign language course (auslan) this weekend and a first aid course next week .. wow all this learning stuff .. My old brain can not hack it ...Dont know why but hey something to do .. you know when you get old you have to keep your mind active or you lose it ... if i didnt loose it already
So Christmas is coming that means santa for all you christian people and just a day off for all you other people .. I must say there are parts of christmas I like and parts I hate but thats a whole new post I guess
Well once again I find myself lost for words but well you get that .....
Take care friends
love and light
Miss Sarah
The Vandals - birthday song
It's my brithday and I'll do what I want to
Fuck you it's my birthday
Special holiday only for me
So do what I say
I'ts my party and I can cry if I want to
Fuck you, it's not your birthday
So do what I say ok
For 24 hours your wishing me well
364 days I'm in hell
oh well
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Leave me alone on my birthday
I'm gonna dance 10 times on my birthday
No tip, it's my birthday so do what I say
Thanks mom didn't have an abortion,
Or my birthday wouldn't be today
But I guess it's my good fortune
My birthday's today ok
For 24 hours your wishing me well
364 days I'm in hell, oh well
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
(spank me, spank me, spank me, spank me, spank me, spank me)
Oh well, happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to--
Can't believe you forgot my birthday
It's my birthday and you're wreckin it
No it's just like any other day ya didn't do what I say
How could you forget my birthday
That's really immature
F*ck you, for forgettin' my birthday
Ya didn't do what I say today
24 hours of no wishin well
Now 365 days I'm in hell oh well
Happy Birthday to me
Happy happy birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me
Yes it was my birthday on Tuesday so I am now and old duck and will learn to knit and wear a Hat and lawn bowl and all that shit .... ( actually have a sore back today) welcome to my pity party lol ...
So to all the friends that called me and emailed me ... I LOVE you so very much .. to the people who didnt ...... I LOVE you too !!!!
I am doing my sign language course (auslan) this weekend and a first aid course next week .. wow all this learning stuff .. My old brain can not hack it ...Dont know why but hey something to do .. you know when you get old you have to keep your mind active or you lose it ... if i didnt loose it already
So Christmas is coming that means santa for all you christian people and just a day off for all you other people .. I must say there are parts of christmas I like and parts I hate but thats a whole new post I guess
Well once again I find myself lost for words but well you get that .....
Take care friends
love and light
Miss Sarah
The Vandals - birthday song
It's my brithday and I'll do what I want to
Fuck you it's my birthday
Special holiday only for me
So do what I say
I'ts my party and I can cry if I want to
Fuck you, it's not your birthday
So do what I say ok
For 24 hours your wishing me well
364 days I'm in hell
oh well
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Leave me alone on my birthday
I'm gonna dance 10 times on my birthday
No tip, it's my birthday so do what I say
Thanks mom didn't have an abortion,
Or my birthday wouldn't be today
But I guess it's my good fortune
My birthday's today ok
For 24 hours your wishing me well
364 days I'm in hell, oh well
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
(spank me, spank me, spank me, spank me, spank me, spank me)
Oh well, happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to--
Can't believe you forgot my birthday
It's my birthday and you're wreckin it
No it's just like any other day ya didn't do what I say
How could you forget my birthday
That's really immature
F*ck you, for forgettin' my birthday
Ya didn't do what I say today
24 hours of no wishin well
Now 365 days I'm in hell oh well
Happy Birthday to me
Happy happy birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me
Monday, November 06, 2006
Shopperholic Vs Ebay
Every now and then I find myself hunting around ebay and in doing so buying stuff that I dont really need or want but hey its cheap and there is something about winning and auction of any anything that is deep in my phyci and something I must do ...
Anyway this weekend saw me doing it again this time i bought something I not only dont know how to use and even if I did I need to have a licence to use it which would involve a course ... go figure how silly is that ... ok its almost as silly as me buying that 20 foot boat last year .. but hey it was a bargain ... and i did make money when i re sold it ...
Oh also I went to see "SAW 3" yesterday it rocked much better than SAW2 the only problem was asking for the tickets ... "Can I have 2 tickets to see saw theree please" "was that two to see saw three" "umm yes two to see saw three please" lol
If it was at two oclock I would have gone mad .. ok madder ...
love and light everyone
Anyway this weekend saw me doing it again this time i bought something I not only dont know how to use and even if I did I need to have a licence to use it which would involve a course ... go figure how silly is that ... ok its almost as silly as me buying that 20 foot boat last year .. but hey it was a bargain ... and i did make money when i re sold it ...
Oh also I went to see "SAW 3" yesterday it rocked much better than SAW2 the only problem was asking for the tickets ... "Can I have 2 tickets to see saw theree please" "was that two to see saw three" "umm yes two to see saw three please" lol
If it was at two oclock I would have gone mad .. ok madder ...
love and light everyone
Friday, November 03, 2006
Been a little while ... here is the highlights
Well Havnt posted for a little while and havnt said anything personal at all for a bit so I guess I should apoligise for it but really just havnt felt like writting anything at all and that is what I have done lol
So really not much to tell ... Life is just laid back and crusie at the moment.. No partys ... still single ... no clubing ... no holidays ... nothing ... how boring ...
The weather is still all messed up ... its hot and cold and all over the place ... I was almost thinking of going swiming down the river the other day only to wake up to a bitter cold day .. it even snowed at Mt hotham and in Tassie .. which is so weird concidering that like the week before It was total fire ban days ...
At last day light savings is here so that means nice arvos and great wine .... Something that become a lifestyle for me last summer ... If any of you are up my way anytime soon do get intouch .....
My body peircings are healing nicely but I wont post anymore photos ...
Oh I am also becoming a big fan ofJericho.. They seem to be showing it at the same time as the Usa which is great and better than having spoil it by watching it on the net before hand it looks like they will do this with the OC as well
One thing spring and summer are good for is festivals ... anyone got any plans for any of them ??????
I think I will hit Confest again this summer If anyone wants to join me .. email me ... would be great to show off some hippy culture to some of ya .... you would love it .....
Anyway thats my boring post about my boring life ... lol ...
I will post soon when i am not as tired and have more to say ...
untill then take care my people
Sarah ...xoxoxoxo
So really not much to tell ... Life is just laid back and crusie at the moment.. No partys ... still single ... no clubing ... no holidays ... nothing ... how boring ...
The weather is still all messed up ... its hot and cold and all over the place ... I was almost thinking of going swiming down the river the other day only to wake up to a bitter cold day .. it even snowed at Mt hotham and in Tassie .. which is so weird concidering that like the week before It was total fire ban days ...
At last day light savings is here so that means nice arvos and great wine .... Something that become a lifestyle for me last summer ... If any of you are up my way anytime soon do get intouch .....
My body peircings are healing nicely but I wont post anymore photos ...
Oh I am also becoming a big fan ofJericho.. They seem to be showing it at the same time as the Usa which is great and better than having spoil it by watching it on the net before hand it looks like they will do this with the OC as well
One thing spring and summer are good for is festivals ... anyone got any plans for any of them ??????
I think I will hit Confest again this summer If anyone wants to join me .. email me ... would be great to show off some hippy culture to some of ya .... you would love it .....
Anyway thats my boring post about my boring life ... lol ...
I will post soon when i am not as tired and have more to say ...
untill then take care my people
Sarah ...xoxoxoxo
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