Monday, July 31, 2006

Stupid Big Shit (first entrys in)

OK Well first a big thank you to every one who has sent in there entrys in the quest to find the bigest stupid crap we can find rember it runs till the end of the year and and I am giving points for
1)how big
2)how stupid
3)if you have a "nudie vegan" sign
4) mega bonus points if all you are wearing is a "nudie vegan" sign

First entry in Was Danelle with well ... take alook

And what is she doing here ????? ( Her answer was helping keep them up cause they look heavy)

Kinda reminds me of a guy I met once (giggles) ok enough of that ... ewwwwwww!

Not to be out done and again very quick off the mark came this photo from Barry. He included a sign and take alook at just how big this thing is ...(scarry)

Thank you guys so much .... there is still alot of time left on this one so if you live near something big and stupid make a sign take a photo send them in ... I am looking fwd to some great ones .....

I have a few days left Here in NZ before I fly back on Thursday Its a shame to have to go home but I have already decided to come back real soon Its just to die for ...
I am spending the next few days doing some day trips around the place and going for A Helli flight over some of the areas where they filmed Lord of the Rings .. TOO GOOD!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

My Vid Blog entry

OK here it is ..I have finaly found the guts to post my vid ...... First let me explain I was just wanting to show you some scenes of this fantastic country NZ its to die for and the boarding I have been doing is just so nice ...... After I put it together in a Vid I was just going to play some music over the pics ... but then i added some bits of me at the end .... I was going to just talk about stuff but I hated what I did and how it looked so ..... here is what you get .. perhaps I will do something latter but I really really HATE putting photos of myself on the net for many reasions and this is a big step to do a whole Vid clip .. so it is what it is .... enjoy ... if you have a slow conection pause it let it load then watch it ... up to you ... and comment if you like it or Hate .... I will take the embed bit out of this post in a week or so .... so if its not here ... sorry your too late ... ha ha

love light and blessings

As I said just up for a few days ... if you missed it and you really want to see it just ask me for the link but its now on privete ....

Friday, July 28, 2006

Stupid big shit ! Its the new quest

A all new quest for you... Every country has them and Australia seems to have more than its fair share of Its the stuff that people build cause there is no other reason to go anywhere near there town ... So they build something like the big sheep or the the big Pineapple and alike...... Here is a big seat I found in broken hill ... Why I don't know ... I was even going to do a road trip of stupid big shit once but I guess I woke up to myself before I did that .. Thank G-d....

So between now and the end of the year I am going to offer a prize to the person who can post on there blog (make sure you tell me) or email me at a photo of themselves at something big and stupid .... Points are awarded for

1)how big
2)how stupid
3)if you have a "nudie vegan" sign
4) mega bonus points if all you are wearing is a "nudie vegan" sign

Now if you know me well enough then you know that a prize is worth playing for I will not waste your time people .... The last prize I handed out was concert tickets to Robbie Williams !!!!!!

So get cracking

I should have the video up and running soon in the mean time I found an old church promo here on the lap top and thought it would be funny to put it up especially for my accent challenged friends ... I cut the end off it cause I havnt been there in years and I dont live anywhere near there now and they hate me ... lol

Also I have a vid blog entry i have been working on and i am just looking at where to put it so only you guys see it .... i wanted to embed it but i think i will have a link to a download thing so that might be as good as it gets ...Other option is you tube but making it privete and sending out an email to you ... but i dont like that either .... dont expect too much its just stuff from around here cause it so so so so so so so great ....

those of you with sharp eyesight may even see my .0001 milli sec apearence ...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

10 things you didnt know about Meg and most likley didnt want to know

Megs turn Megs turn !!!! Ok Meg has the pinkest site you will see and she only changed it to pink about a mth ago what I like about Megs blog is that its honest and kinda Dear Diary which is always a good thing ... as here blog says "addicted to shoes, chocolate and coffee, oh, and being slightly (!!!) mentally unstable... " OH and i think of late she caught something off Andy that makes you only blog once a mth or so!.... Get with the program people !
Her blog is here

Here is the 10 things and Meg didnt even wait for my questions how orginised is that

1) She was a student nurse for 3 days [thats enough bed pans]

2) She's afraid of the dark, and small enclosed spaces, but when frightened, will hide in the corner of the closet ( a dark, small, enclosed space)

3) Her biggest regret is not going back to uni [Dont regret anything,ever]

4) Her lifelong goal (when she was 5) was to be a 'mummy'[Has that changed?]

5) Her dream is to sing the national anthem at a rugby game [everyone elses nightmare]

6) She's never eaten anything weird, well, except chocolate custard out of a nappy (it was for Young Life - need I say anything else?)

7) The strangest thing she's ever made someone else do is bob for picnic bars out of a toilet (again, it was for Young Life, and the toilet was clean!!)

8) She still sleeps with a teddy bear

9) She has always wanted to do ballet

10) Missy Higgins is her idol

So thats Meg ...... she also listed 2 reasions why i dont want to go to young life...ha ha ....

On A personal note I am having the best Time here in NZ I so dont want to ever leave at the moment its just the best !!!! I am even thinking about doing a Vid blog entry now that is scary not sure how to post it either if anyone has any ideas on how to do it ... without getting a bunch of indian guys spaming me with marrige proposals that is ....

Take care people
Sarah xoxoxoxoxo

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sarah Vs The Morons

OK Let me start by saying a great big G'Day from NZ! I love this place its soooooo great the snow is to die for i am bording in knee deep powder and having a blast!!! Yesterday I went helli boarding for the first time .. omgosh!!!! how totaly insane carving up a virgin mountain with nothing to stop me killing myself in the mean time ... its a once in a lifetime must do ... put it on your list ..... anway back to the title....

Was walking the short few blocks between where i am staying to the train station that takes you up to the mountain carrying my gear and board when who should i see but a couple of mormans doing what they do .. I could not be bothered crossing the road so i walked right into there trap (LOL) .. hears how the events took place ...

M1) "HI nice day isnt it we are talking to people about Jesus,"
S) "HI I going boarding" (head down keeps walking)
M2) "Do you have a minute to talk to us ?"
S) (thinking i can not help myself) "I know you guys ... your morons right ?"
M1) "We are from the church of Latter Day Saints .... Yes MORMONS"
S) "Yer people call me that all the time "
M2) "call you what?"
S) " A MORON!"
M1) laughing .. " no mormon its just our church have you heard of the LDS church?"
S) "yer I took LSD at church once it was so trippy but im not into drugs really guys thanks anyway"
M2) "LDS is latter day saints "
S) "oh whatever anyway really i am off to snow board i have to walk all the way up there!"
M1) "we can talk to you while you walk "
S) "you can carry my board if your walking my way"
M1) looking confused "um ok "
S) smurking to herself "so you are the guys that added the book of morons to the bible?"
M2) "thats mormon and not really but yes we have it"
S) " thats what i said moron".... MORON.... anyway what dose Revelation 22:18-20 have to say about the book of morons
M1) struggling with my board " we can look it up in context if you give us time"
S) "Just look it up when I'm gone".... "My train is here and i must go " anyway wasnt Joseph Smith like proved to be a false prophet"
M2) "No "
S) "are you sure anyway Im off thanks for carrying my board"

They look at each other as if to say what the hell just happaned as I grab by board and jump on the train once out of sight i start to giggle and in fact can not stop my evil little laugh all day ... so thank you to the morons and the church of LSD you made my day ...

and sorry .. well kinda .. not really ... but watch out for round two .. your too much fun ..

So I will try to blog i feel compeled to just get some stuff out of my head and i dont know why but bloging seems like a way to do it ... its kinda personal and full of stuff i wouldnt tell my best friend so why would I want to put that on the net ??? I dont know maybe as they say i am not quite the full picnic ... who says that anyway ... so if i get the chance and the nerve up i will post it sometime soon
till then
all my love

Saturday, July 22, 2006

10 Things you didn't know about Danelle And most likley didnt want to know .

Heya, So here are 10 things on Dannelle aka Heartichoke, I Have only been watching her blog for about 4 weeks or so and i must say its one of my faves mostly cause alot of it is done in photos and if a photo is like 1000 words or something then her blog is literaly like 100000000 words (whatever) anyway heres the list

1)She accidentally ate her roommates raw oysters the other day thinking they were mushrooms (ummmmmm... sure they smell the same ...NOT)

2)She has smoked pot in Amsterdam (Ok thats like mega points on the kewlness scale)

3)She would like to get stuck on an island with Jake Gyllenhaal, and heath ledger--though not if they're gonna make out the whole time (I so loved brokeback MT)

4)She has a fear of grasshoppers ..( um ok ..... why?)

5)As a kid she wanted to be Scooter the red transformer on that cartoon.(giggles ok)

6)If she could only eat one food for the rest of her life it would be chesse

7)she once hit a 6'4" girl from Kenya with a shaved head--playing college soccer, the girl pushed her down, and tried to hit her when she got back up--Danelle pulled her shorts down and decked her--and got thrown out of the game!

8)She has always wanted her wedding band tatooed on if she gets married (oh that is so much harder to take off)

9)she will be 26 next april

10)And she worked fast food (would you like frys with

So There are a few short facts about Danelle, that you didnt need to know but arnt you glad you do ?????

OH if you didnt know her blog is at

(I dont know how to do the link thingos)

Unless I get some emails back today or tommorow thats about all the 10 things posts for awhile....

On a diffrent note i woke today to the sound of about 10 hellicopers seems the army is trainning near my house ... total pricks so i dobed them in to the terrorist hotline they told me "its most likley the army " I said yes but whos army ? that was about the time they hung up on me ..... and i was only trying to help .... anyway I have a few things i want to blog about so will try to fit it in tommorow ....

Love, light and blessing to you all
Sarah hugz and kisses

Friday, July 21, 2006

10 things you didnt know know about Andy and most likley didnt want to know

Andy has know me for a long time we use to argue about stuff mostly he would bait me and i would bite and then he would sit back and watch the fun most likley lol at me .. he is most famous for hes statment " I am going to blog everyday this year!" to which he failed in the first week i think ... ha ha

1) Hes greatest fear is that he will one day meet me ..(ok maybe he is smarter than i think)

2)It seems hes greatest party trick is lighting farts (ewwwww!)

3)He once worked for "rainbow hand car washes" ( oh my gosh ... were you topless that is so gay )

4)He smoked pot for a few years while at high school ( well who didnt good to see it didnt do tooo much harm ....bullshit)

5)He turns 30 next year and is married and owns a pet cat (enough said really)

6)if he got a tattoo he might have the great hymn "Rock of Ages Cleft for me" on my
lower back with an arrow pointing down.... hehe ok thats funny.....( i dont know what hes talking about)

7)He wanted to be an F1-11 fighter pilot ( did they have planes back then did they.. i think that was last week)

8) He classes himself as a a 3 point calvinist anglo-bapto-costal with an emergent twist

9)Hes theme song when he walks into a room would be and i quote "Eye of the Tiger..... just cause that would be coool ;)" (umm yea cool sure ok ... )

10 )The weirest food he ate would be a chickens foot (ewwwww poor chicken)

So there you go there is Andy done ... what can I say I love him in a sister kinda hate ya kinda way ... hes always funny and kind hearted and married to a special girl from what i hear ... luv ya to EM

whos email will come in next ... hint hint

Thursday, July 20, 2006

10 things you didnt know about Dave and most likley didnt want to know

Dave owner of one of the kewlest and most eclectic and intresting blogs on the net at the moment and also a real nice guy from what i have seen

1)He once ate Pig Organ Soup (eww ewww ewww)

2)He smoked pot twice (Most likley before eatting pig organ soup lol)

3)While he has never hit a girl he has hit "like" a girl ( ha ha ha)

4)He would like to get stuck on an island with Rachel McAdams (the chic from red eye,the notebook and wedding crashes)

5)If you get him drunk you might see some breakdancing (oh i am so buying the drinks)

6)Hes greatest fear is not making an inpact on the world (the world is a big place)

7)At one time he wanted to design shoes (ok thats alittle gay ha ha)

8)He is thinking of getting the hebrew letters for God tattooed on hes back (now which letters are you going to chose there YHWH, ELAH,DINA or others ok as a jew i think i go to hell for writting that)

9)He just turned 25 years old (did i miss a birthday party again ?)

10)He once worked as an eletricans assistant (ha ha dave with a plumers crack ???)

Ok there is dave I so have to meet this guy one day ... anyway 10 things you didnt need to know but are glad you do .. perhaps ?

hes blog is at


love ya dave
sarah xxooxxoo

10 things you didnt know about Barry and most likely didnt want to know

10 Things about Barry

1) He is turning 50 this year (that makes him so old)

2)He once ate a fried rattle snake (ewww... had to lol that they fry them in the usa like everything else)

3)He claims to have never smoked pot (Urine testing will tell the truth)

4)He has skinny dipped and will do it again (my eyes my eyes are burning)

5)He once worked as an industrial painter

6)likes red wine over white

7)He has never hit a girl (maybe you havnt met the right one yet)

8)He claims to be a basic christian (better than a simple minded christian i guess lol)

9)When he was a kid he wanted to be a space man (see you should have smoked pot you would have got high giggles)

10)He has a big scar on hes belly

So there you go some totaly usless facts about a nice guy .... Hes blog is at

hurry up with the mails people !!!!!! i dont have all day ha ha ha ha

love light blessings and peace to you all
hugz hugz

upcoming events in my life and therefore yours

Hey little people, first off is I am off to NZ to snowboard for a couple of weeks and I should have internet so that means I will try to keep up with the mail and blogging well in between partys snow and night clubbing .. this is all if i make it through customs otherwise you will see me on border security ...then again NZ peeps are so easy going have you watched the TV shows from there on Highway patrol and border security ... example " oh ok all these drugs are for personal use then ... oh ok your doctor says you should smoke pot ... its ok just try not to speed again today and get you licence real soon ok ... I am not shitting you these are almost quotes from the TV show ...

Ok up coming blogs I am doing 10 things i dont want to know about you .... if you didnt get an email then give me your addy so i can ...

I am then looking at a getting to know the hidden sarah posts they will be deeply personal and taking off the masks that we all wear ..... something for you judgmental right wing christians to point the finger at and say there look at the sinner ... Ha ha i know some of you wont but i know some of you will think it anyway ..

peace love and light
mwa mwa mwa

10 Things you dont know about sarah (and didnt want to know lol)

OK get ready for emails from me to everyone so i can blog about bloggers with 10 things you dont know about everyone ... But I guess I should go first so here goes some of you may know some of these ...

1) I turn 30 latter this year..... I know I'm old

2) I Have been a veggie seince 4 and a vegan from 14ish

3)I lived in france for 2 years and even went to arts school/high school while there

4) I was Married once (big mistake)

5) I have worked as a Photographer, cafe chic, watress, close protection officer, bouncer and mall security as well as other stuff i can not think of at the moment

6)I once hich hiked from sydney to melbourne and back when I was waging school

7) I surfed every day for the whole year of 1999 (well near enough)

8) I once got arested and hit on the head with a police baton

9) My name Sarah is hebrew for princess

10) My greatest fear is getting old, being alone, and turning into a veggie in some hospitial

So there you go 10 things you never wanted to know about me ... ha ha

I will hopefully post 10 things you didnt know about some of the people That pass by the blog on some basis ....

take care

Ps, Im off to NZ snowbording next week more on that latter ...

love ya all

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Its only a dream its only a dream !!!!!!!!

ok its 3 am and I just woke up from a dream I have to write about it cause it was just nasty and i got all worked up when i just woke up .... It was so real and all......

So I was in my little car at the lights and when they went green i drove off in the wrong lane and had to speed up to shift lanes infrount of the car next to me ... i did it quite fast but not to fast I was heading down the street when an un marked cop car (jeep) actually turned on its lights right behind me another cop car on the other side of the road came towards me did a U turn and followed me .. i pullled over as soon as i could and then three more cars came out of no where .... I got out of my car and the officers all female (didnt mind that bit) except the one old offcer in charge anyway he is like well you did your licence there .. I am like what the fuck ... he is like 120 in a 60 zone and its double demerit points for school holidays .... I am like no way I was doing like 80 max .. the other officers are going over my car and i light a smoke .... they are like serching it and all of a sudden its like my old car i had as a kid .... with rust in it and a crack window and stuff .....

I am like i need my car for my job (knowing i dont work but didnt say that) I am almost crying ... the guy is like well my job is to keep people like you off the roads ... I am like you can not be serious my car wouldnt do 120 off the lights like you say ... i will have to fight this in court .... He is like whatever but we are taking you car .... and i look over and a tow truck is draging my car up onto the tray ... and stuff is leaking from my car and smoke from the motor ... and i light another smoke and say .... Your so fucked ... and they all laugh and start getting into there cars leaving me all alone by the road with no car and no phone .......

then I wake up and i am so tence and worryed and in need of a smoke ... but i gave up smoking like 2 weeks ago .... maybe weird dreams come with giving up smoking ......

last time i gave up i was on those patches and they are bad news .... I woke up thinking i had asked some hot guy out i was so excited i jumped out of bed into the shower got dressed I grabed my keys before i started to realise that i did not know where I going or how i was getting there then i relised it was all a dream .... I think i went out anyway .. but man i was pissed of at myself ...

anyway I hate dreams i never really have them .... so its odd when i do
so anyway i am going back to bed hopefully to sleep deeply with no iteruptions ... just the sound of rain .... and thunder .... yea

night everyone
mwa mwa mwa !

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Some Types Of People Are Like That

Been doing alittle thinkin today (scary hey) about some of the people I have come across in my time on the planet and lets face it i have a kinda weird lifestyle. I have traveled and met people from all over I have spent many arvos sitting talking to people over a cup of tea or a bottle or two of wine and today i was thinking about some of the people i have had to deal with not the good people the bad ones so I figured I would write a little on them see as much as i hate to put people in boxes or try to fit people into groups there are some types of people that just stand out for example :

HATERS: These people you will find everywhere and the name says it all really they just hate other people and things and they spread it like a bad smell!! its not always out there they can be very cleaver at hiding it and just use the odd coment to try to bring you over to there dark side .... these people can be anyone from preachers to criminals so watch out.

TAKERS: Really everyone likes a gift thats not what i am talking about this group takes from you it may be your time your emotions or your body they seem to just be on the planet to take things from you or from everyone and i dont mean like stealing nessarly these are the guys that play games with girls feelings or the other way around .. they can suck the life out of you untill you realise what is going on and by then its too late

FEEDERS: These are the people that have to feed there egos. They are the ones that can make anything you say ALL ABOUT ME. They feed on attention they feed on the spot light its like they turn everything you say into something about them cause you will find they have done everything before they have been everywhere and anything you could ever do in your life they have done it before but they did it better like when it was new or with the lattest car ....

Any way just three types of people to look out for ... and trust me they are around ... its not that I am Perfect its that I am in perfect that makes me who i am its the scraches and dints that make this little car what it is today ...

Take care friends
love light and blessings to ya

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Small set back !

Ok There was a post that i deleted sorry for the people who comented on it .... I did it cause I was not happy with it the post sounded clinical and I just didnt give it the time it needed so I will re write it and re post some time soon .....

ok I have some questions to the peeps that drop by this little space for now I will just ask them on here copy them answer them and email them to or put them in a comment might work

Place an X by all the things you've done,and remove an X from the things you havant FOR NOW THESE ARE MY ANSWERS BELLOW...... and send it too me please it wont take long

This is for your entire life:
(x) Smoked a cigarette
(x) Drank so much you threw up
(X) Crashed a friend's car
(X Stolen a car
(x) Been in love
(x) Been dumped
(x) Shoplifted
( ) Been laid off/fired
(x) Quit your job
(x) Been in a fist fight
(X) Snuck out of your parent's house
(x) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back:
(X) Been arrested
(x) Gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
(X) Skipped school
(X) Seen someone die
(X) Been to Canada
(X) Been to Sydney
(x) Been on a plane
(x) Been lost
(X) Been on the opposite side of the country?
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Felt like dying
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
(X) Played hide and so freak! or "streak"?
( ) Recently coloured with crayons?
(x) Sang karaoke
(x) Paid for a meal with only coins
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
(x) Made prank phone calls?
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
( ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(x) Been kissed under a mistletoe.
(x) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about
(x) Blown bubbles
(x) Made a bonfire
(x) Crashed a party
(x) Gone roller-skating
(x) Ice-skating

*Mother's name? Gillian
*Your favourite drink? Chai Tea
*Tattoos ? 5 Tatts but been tattooed 8 times
*Piercing's? ears x3 & Tragus (belly- but took it out)
*How much do you love your job? Dont work
* Birthplace: Sydney
*Favourite vacation Spot? Any beach with surf
* Ever steal any traffic signs? Yes
* Ever been in a car accident? A few minor ones
*2 Door or 4 Door? 4
*Salad dressing? plain why wreck it
* Favourite pie? vegan apple
*Favourite number? 5
* Toothpaste? White perl
* What do you do to relax? find a water fall and swim naked
*How do you see yourself in 10 years? Older
*What do you enjoy receiving? Hugs & kisses
*What time is it now? 5.12 PM Wednesday

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Oh Well

So I guess i got in to early cause while i had a great time for some reasion i dont think its going anywhere relationship wise I guess time will tell if its going to head anywhere or just fall into the pile of good friends crap .... I dont want anymore friends (ha ha )I hate waiting and not knowing ..... anyway enough on that for now
I am watching the TV show 60mins, they are talking about the U.S and Aussie troops in afgainstain what a frickin waste ... do these people not know the USA put the taliban in goverment and funded and trained there troops to fight the russians .... its just insane and a waste of money and lives .... but no one seems to listen or care what has to be said people who want and need a peacful outcome to this all ... the answer i keep hearing is well they are there now and have to finsh a job this goes for iraq and afgainstain but no one cares that its a war crime that the usa and therefore australia is comiting by invading those countrys ... no one cares that the lives lost are for nothing ... sometimes i feel that my and others voice is falling on deaf ears ..... when will goverments listen to the people they represent .... why do people not read history and therefore repeat it .... at a cost of our men !!!!!

ok enough on the war or whatever you want to call it i better not say war cause if its a war then the USA might have to treat Australian David Hicks as a POW !!!!More on that another time ....

So anyway i am going to start a blog series on people i know but have never met on the net i will tell you how i met them and what i know about them by way of intro and tell you why i like there blogs and what the conection is about them ..... so before i do i want you guys who read this to email me or tell me if its ok .. or i will email you before i do ..... barry (da bear) is going to be first but i want everyone to say its ok so leave a coment everyone... if i have left a coment on your blog i will have something to say about you on my blog so ... what do you think ....

for now my time is done ...
see ya soon
oh by the way i am feeling much better today and might skip the kidney test this week if it keeps up ... wish me luck ...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Its a girl ... omgosh why where how ....

ok SO the honesty bug has hit me again and somewhere in the last week in the short gaps between feeling ill and feeling more ill i went on a date with yes another girl .... again ,,, its not like i plan these things they just happan while i am not totaly at peace with the idea I am not against it either while i would never say i am gay or anything like that i gotta admit that im not totally straight (I dont know how you want to word it) so anyway just 2 dates for now and a big one tomorrow which i am nerves about for some dumb reasion but excited too cause I am taking the lead and have planed a nice day out at a peacful little winary that i like to go to sometimes its a bit of a drive but its all goood .... intresting to see that some blogers are kinda linking up in a weird way ... how strange but very good nice to see you all

I was planing on writing alot more but got chating on yahoo so i am going to leave it here and write some stuff soon

wish me luck
all my love and light to you all

Thursday, July 06, 2006

just sayin it like it is !!!!!

Jamais a eu un des le matin où vous ne connaissez pas quelle extrémité pour mettre dessus le toliet d'abord ? ? ? et son pas art de l'auto-portrait a infligé ce lol de fois Très malade j'ai OUI toujours des drogues maintenant qui ne semblent pas faire beaucoup et la semaine prochaine elles vont prendre un échantillon de mon rein ou quelque chose si je ne me sens pas meilleur bientôt pensent que je pourrais dire le Doc. que je me sens meilleur ainsi lui dosnt pour me pousser avec n'importe quoi assez mais au sujet de moi comment allez vous ? ? ses 4 20 AM et moi suis drinkin mon 3ème gatorade pour le jour et dans une rangée j'ai besoin de l'hydration que je ne sais pas si j'aime les bleus ou la baise de souffle de fraise... là est alot de suger dans ces choses bonnes il goûte comme elle est mais mon mal principal va tellement de toute façon j'ai des nouvelles marquantes mais je ne veux pas les abîmer en ce moment que je vais attendre une semaine ou deux et si c'est encore des nouvelles marquantes je crierai il dehors ! ! pour ceux qui savent la subsistance il aux yourselfs pour maintenant l'ok ! ! ! ou je vous battrai pour avaler.... des nouvelles de rupture en retard je suis un peu un cul futé de tard avec mes commentaires de blog et chacun est juste ne prêtant pas l'attention... (frappe du pied son pied dans l'anéantissement) que personne n'est arrière futé ou présente ses observations sur la manière j'orthographie la merde ou n'importe quoi..... des pehaps je si le blog en français ou anglais

Just saying like it is !

Jamais a eu un des le matin où vous ne connaissez pas quelle extrémité pour mettre dessus le toliet d'abord ? ? ? et son pas art de l'auto-portrait a infligé ce lol de fois Très malade j'ai OUI toujours des drogues maintenant qui ne semblent pas faire beaucoup et la semaine prochaine elles vont prendre un échantillon de mon rein ou quelque chose si je ne me sens pas meilleur bientôt pensent que je pourrais dire le Doc. que je me sens meilleur ainsi lui dosnt pour me pousser avec n'importe quoi assez mais au sujet de moi comment allez vous ? ? ses 4 20 AM et moi suis drinkin mon 3ème gatorade pour le jour et dans une rangée j'ai besoin de l'hydration que je ne sais pas si j'aime les bleus ou la baise de souffle de fraise... là est alot de suger dans ces choses bonnes il goûte comme elle est mais mon mal principal va tellement de toute façon j'ai des nouvelles marquantes mais je ne veux pas les abîmer en ce moment que je vais attendre une semaine ou deux et si c'est encore des nouvelles marquantes je crierai il dehors ! ! pour ceux qui savent la subsistance il aux yourselfs pour maintenant l'ok ! ! ! ou je vous battrai pour avaler.... des nouvelles de rupture en retard je suis un peu un cul futé de tard avec mes commentaires de blog et chacun est juste ne prêtant pas l'attention... (frappe du pied son pied dans l'anéantissement) que personne n'est arrière futé ou présente ses observations sur la manière j'orthographie la merde ou n'importe quoi..... des pehaps je si le blog en français ou anglais

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Help STOP The elephant trade !!!!!!!!!

A two-year fight over Australia taking eight baby elephants from Thailand has reached a make-or-break situation.

Taronga Park Zoo and Melbourne Zoo are now set to see the elephants endure the journey to Australia only to end up as specimens at the zoos. The elephants are believed to be around three years old.

Activists from Bangkok-based Friends of the Asian Elephant (FAE) fiercely oppose the move and blocked the elephants from leaving Kanchanaburi last month as they were loaded into 10-wheeler trucks to endure the 130 km ride to board a cargo plane in Bangkok bound for Australia. The activists had a sign that read “Stop Exploiting Thai Elephants” and this standoff forced officials to abandon plans to move the elephants.

It is believed that the elephants were captured illegally in the wild and FAE has requested that DNA tests be done to ascertain this – which authorities have refused. The drastic change of habitat will harm the welfare of the elephants.

In Australia, both the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Australian Humane Society have called for the elephants to stay in their homeland. Greens MP Lee Rhiannon has commended the Thai protesters and noted that “Taronga Zoo wants these Thai elephants to boost its profits, not for conservation…Elephants are very difficult to breed in zoos, with no captive breeding program ever being successful in Australasia.”

Please e-mail the Thai Embassy in Australia now and insist that the trade be stopped. Urge them to leave the elephants in the wild where they belong, and use zoos as sanctuaries for animals rescued from circuses, marine parks, and other exploitative forms of entertainment.

Zoos rob elephants of their most basic needs, including social companionship and adequate space to exercise. Zoos keep elephants in unnaturally small groups and routinely shuffle elephants between facilities with callous disregard for the special bonds between elephant friends. In the wild, elephants maintain strong family bonds — baby elephants are not usually weaned until they are at least 4 years old, and young elephants stay with their mothers for many years to learn important social and survival skills. Females remain with their mothers and other members of their herds for their entire lives.

Zoos operate under the misleading veil of conservation and education when, in reality, these proud and sensitive animals are kept merely as tourist draws to boost sagging profits. Captive breeding will never contribute to the survival of the species because elephants breed poorly in captivity and the offspring who do survive can never be released into the wild.

For more information about zoos, please go to

Take Care Friends
LOve light and blessings to you all
hugz and kisses

Saturday, July 01, 2006

ewwww! so sick

I feel like the walking dead at the moment in fact i kinda look like the dead too.... dont know how i got sick dont know why I am but hey Im just going to get better or die I guess ... is that too soap opra of me


apart From planing my wake and all not much going on just been in bed watching movies and drinking water ... feeling sorry for myself ... the biggest event of the week was getting someone around to clean the place up cause i am messy and not feeling like moving too much ....

wow what a wasted blog entry .. oh well
peace to you all
(i would hugz ya but i dont want to give you my germs)